首页> 外文期刊>Anthropod-plant interactions >Differences in arthropods found in flowers versus trapped in plant resins on Haplopappus platylepis Phil. (Asteraceae): Can the plant discriminate between pollinators and herbivores?

Differences in arthropods found in flowers versus trapped in plant resins on Haplopappus platylepis Phil. (Asteraceae): Can the plant discriminate between pollinators and herbivores?

机译:在Haplopappus platylepis Phil上的花朵中发现的节肢动物与植物树脂中发现的节肢动物的差异。 (菊科):植物能区分传粉媒介和草食动物吗?

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Plants produce secondary metabolites related to ecologically relevant processes. These compounds include surface secretions such as latex, mucilage and resins that help plants face abiotic and biotic environmental threats such as drought, nutrient deficiency, extreme temperatures and UV radiation, as well as herbivory, pathogenic microorganisms and other natural enemies. We studied the resinous coating found on involucral bracts of Haplopappus platylepis Phil. (Asteraceae). This plant belongs to a speciose genus widely distributed in South America (Lane and Hartman in Am J Bot 83:356, 1996). H. platylepis is characterized by resinous fragrant leaves. In this species, resins cover the involucral bracts as well as young leaves and are also secreted on reproductive stalks in smaller amounts. We carried out chemical analysis and natural history observations in order to identify whether arthropods caught in inflorescence resin differed from the ones freely visiting floral disks. Regarding bracteal adhesive's chemistry, we identified a mixture of diterpenoids and flavonoids; these compounds form a dense surface resin layer, especially over inflorescence's bracts. In relation to associated arthropods, we found a marked difference in the main organisms captured by bracteal resin compared to insects we observed foraging on disk florets; Arthrobracus (Coleoptera: Melyridae) and Linepithema (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were the predominant insects "trapped in resin'', while Diadasia (Hymenoptera: Apidae) was the most frequent "floral visitor''. We propose that bracteal resin of H. platylepis may function as a selective trap for non-mutualistic insects reaching reproductive structures of this plant and discuss other multiple possible roles for this secretion, including protocarnivory.
机译:植物产生与生态相关过程有关的次生代谢产物。这些化合物包括表面分泌物(例如乳胶,粘液)和树脂,它们可以帮助植物面对非生物和生物环境威胁,例如干旱,营养缺乏,极端温度和紫外线辐射,以及食草,病原微生物和其他天敌。我们研究了在Haplopappus platylepis Phil的总luc片上发现的树脂涂层。 (菊科)。该植物属于在南美广泛分布的特定属(Lane and Hartman in Am J Bot 83:356,1996)。桔梗的特征是树脂香叶。在该物种中,树脂覆盖了总luc片以及幼叶,并且还以较小的量分泌到生殖杆上。我们进行了化学分析和自然历史观察,以确定在花序树脂中捕获的节肢动物是否与自由访问的花盘不同。关于胶的化学性质,我们确定了二萜和黄酮的混合物。这些化合物形成致密的表面树脂层,尤其是在花序的act片上。关于相关节肢动物,我们发现,与我们观察到的在盘状小花上觅食的昆虫相比,由类树脂捕​​获的主要生物体具有显着差异。节肢动物(鞘翅目:鞘翅目)和线虫(膜翅目:蚁科)是主要的昆虫“被困在树脂中”,而乙Dia(膜翅目:Apidae)是最常见的“花访者”。我们建议,H。platylepis的小act树脂可能充当选择性诱捕器,用于达到该植物生殖结构的非互惠昆虫,并讨论该分泌物的其他多种可能作用,包括原食肉动物。



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