首页> 外文期刊>Anthropological science: Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon >Typicality probabilities of Late Pleistocene human fossils from East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australia: implications for the Jomon population in Japan

Typicality probabilities of Late Pleistocene human fossils from East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australia: implications for the Jomon population in Japan


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The question of the origins of the Jomon population is examined by Campbell’s predictive approach, a method using ‘typicality probability’ which is currently the best way of comparing a single specimen with a reference population. Among the five Pleistocene fossils compared with a Late/Final Jomon sample from the Tohoku district, the analysis based on 13 cranial measurements revealed that Keilor from Australia was more likely a member of the Jomon population than Minatogawa I from Okinawa and Liujiang from southern China. Although, from a chronological viewpoint, it is not possible for Keilor to be an ancestor of the Jomon, these results suggest that the Australian Late Pleistocene population, or their ancestors, should also be considered when seeking the origins of the Jomon.
机译:乔蒙种群的起源问题由坎贝尔的预测方法检验,该方法使用“典型概率”,这是目前将单个样本与参考种群进行比较的最佳方法。与东北地区的晚期/最终绳纹样本比较的五种更新世化石中,基于13个颅骨测量结果的分析显示,与冲绳的Minatogawa I和中国南部的柳江相比,来自澳大利亚的Keilor更可能是绳纹人群的成员。尽管从时间顺序上看,凯勒不可能成为绳纹的祖先,但这些结果表明,在寻找绳纹的起源时也应考虑澳大利亚晚更新世种群或它们的祖先。



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