首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Environmental Sciences >Removal of unpleasant odorous substances from smoke produced by smoke curing houses.

Removal of unpleasant odorous substances from smoke produced by smoke curing houses.


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Problem statement: For purification of smoke in PPHU Duda-Bis Plant water washers, placed in the outlet channel of smoke chamber, have been applied, but the amount of the substances remaining in the air after passing through the washer were not acceptable by the standards and caused repulsive odor emitted into the atmosphere. Approach: To eliminate discomfort, caused by smoke emission unto the environment, PPHU Duda-Bis has been introduced a simple and effective method of thermal utilization of post-curing smoke by using heated with natural gas boiler. Before the smoke enters the boiler, water vapors undergo condensation and the water drops obtained are separated in steam drier. The smoke introduced into the boiler brings some excess of air. Results: After the new method of curing smoke after-burning had been put into practice in PPHU Duda-Bis, the unpleasant odorous and harmful to the environment compounds were eliminated. The content of the emitted components per year, after thermal utilization of the smoke, was 100 times lower in comparison to the wet-method. Conclusion: The thermal methods belong to the most efficient BAT techniques enabling removal of the unpleasant odorous substances from the gases generated by meat industry.
机译:问题陈述:为了净化位于PPHU Duda-Bis Plant洗衣机中的烟雾,已将其放置在烟雾室的出口通道中,但通过清洗机后空气中残留的物质量是标准所不可接受的并导致向空气中散发排斥性气味。方法:为消除因烟雾散发到环境中引起的不适,PPHU Duda-Bis引入了一种简单有效的方法,即利用天然气锅炉加热对后固化烟气进行热利用。在烟雾进入锅炉之前,水蒸气会凝结,所得的水滴在蒸汽干燥机中分离。引入锅炉的烟雾带来了过量的空气。结果:在PPHU Duda-Bis中采用了一种新的烟后燃烧处理方法,消除了令人讨厌的气味和对环境有害的化合物。烟热利用后,每年排放的成分含量比湿法低100倍。结论:加热方法属于最有效的BAT技术,能够从肉类工业产生的气体中去除难闻的气味物质。



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