首页> 外文期刊>Acta Physiologica Hungarica: A Periodical of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences >Prevention of systemic and regional haemodynamic alterations, hypercreatininemia, hyperuremia and hyperphosphatemia by losartan in hypertension with acute renal failure.

Prevention of systemic and regional haemodynamic alterations, hypercreatininemia, hyperuremia and hyperphosphatemia by losartan in hypertension with acute renal failure.


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Patients with pre-existing hypertension are at a particular risk of fatal outcome due to acute renal failure (ARF). We investigate the effects of angiotensin II type-1 receptor blocker (ARB) losartan, on haemodynamics and biochemical parameters in adult male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with ischemia/reperfusion ARF. SHR were randomly selected in three experimental groups: sham-operated group (SHAM), ARF group, and ARF+LOS group (losartan, 10 mg/kg/b.w. given by infusion during the period of three hours after reperfusion). Beside the improvement of systemic haemodynamics 24 h after reperfusion, losartan significantly increased renal blood flow (RBF: 19.33+/-3.29 ml/min/kg vs. 8.03+/-1.04 ml/min/kg, p<0.05) and decreased renal vascular resistance (RVR) compared to ARF (8.85+/-1.21 mmHg x min x kg/ml vs. 19.90+/-2.35 mmHg x min x kg/ml, p<0.001). Plasma creatinine (Pcr), urea (Pu) and phosphates (Pphos) were significantly reduced in ARF+LOS group compared to ARF group (Pcr: 99.11+/-14.56 mol/l vs. 242.71+/-20.25 mol/l, p<0.001; Pu: 33.72+/-4.69 mmol/l vs. 61.90+/-3.93 mmol/l, p<0.001; 2.7+/-0.42 mmol/l vs. 5.57+/-0.61 mmol/l, p<0.01). Our results demonstrate that losartan improves systemic and regional haemodynamic and biochemical parameters in hypertension with ARF.
机译:既往患有高血压的患者由于急性肾衰竭(ARF)而具有致命的特别危险。我们调查血管紧张素II 1型受体阻滞剂(ARB)氯沙坦对具有缺血/再灌注ARF的成年雄性自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)的血流动力学和生化参数的影响。在三个实验组中随机选择SHR:假手术组(SHAM),ARF组和ARF + LOS组(氯沙坦,再灌注后三小时内通过输注给予10 mg / kg / b.w。)。再灌注后24小时,全身血流动力学得到改善,氯沙坦显着增加了肾血流量(RBF:19.33 +/- 3.29 ml / min / kg,而8.03 +/- 1.04 ml / min / kg,p <0.05)并降低了肾血管阻力(RVR)与ARF相比(8.85 +/- 1.21 mmHg x min x kg / ml与19.90 +/- 2.35 mmHg x min x kg / ml,p <0.001)。与ARF组相比,ARF + LOS组的血浆肌酐(Pcr),尿素(Pu)和磷酸盐(Pphos)显着降低(Pcr:99.11 +/- 14.56 mol / l vs.242.71 +/- 20.25 mol / l,p <0.001; Pu:33.72 +/- 4.69 mmol / l对61.90 +/- 3.93 mmol / l,p <0.001; 2.7 +/- 0.42 mmol / l对5.57 +/- 0.61 mmol / l,p <0.01 )。我们的结果表明,氯沙坦可改善ARF高血压患者的全身和局部血流动力学和生化指标。



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