首页> 外文期刊>Acta Physiologiae Plantarum >The transition of proembryogenic masses to somatic embryos in Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze is related to the endogenous contents of IAA, ABA and polyamines

The transition of proembryogenic masses to somatic embryos in Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze is related to the endogenous contents of IAA, ABA and polyamines


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In somatic embryogenesis (SE) of conifers, the inability of many embryogenic cell lines to form well-developed somatic embryos may results from failure and constraints during the transition of proembryogenic masses (PEMs) to early somatic embryos. Inthe present work, we propose the inclusion of a preculture and prematuration steps looking at enhancing PEM III-to-early somatic embryos transition. It was further hypothesized that these results would correlate with the contents of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and polyamines (PA). To test these hypotheses, the embryogenic culture was subjected to preculture with fluridone (FLD) and prematuration treatments with different combinations of carbon source and polyethylene glycol (PEG). The frequency of PEM III was increased after FLD preculture and the contents of IAA and ABA decreased, while the contents of PA increased. Putrescine (Put) was the most abundant PA present at this stage, followed by spermidine (Spd) and spermine(Spm). In early embryogenesis, prematuration treatments supplemented with maltose or lactose plus PEG enhanced the PEM III-to-early somatic embryos transition. IAA and ABA contents increased at this stage, while a decrease of the total free PA levels was observed. Put was the most abundant PA, followed by Spd and Spm, mainly in the treatment supplemented with PEG. This resulted in a decrease of PA ratio (Put/Spd + Spm) and, hence, PEM III-to-early somatic embryos transition. It was concluded that the preculture with FLD and prematuration treatments promote the PEM III-to-early somatic embryos transition throughout the whole early developmental process in Araucaria angustifolia.
机译:在针叶树的体细胞胚发生(SE)中,许多胚发生细胞系无法形成发育良好的体胚,可能是由于胚发生质量(PEM)向早期体胚过渡的过程中的失败和束缚所致。在当前的工作中,我们建议包括一个预培养和早熟步骤,以增强PEM III向早期体细胞胚的转化。进一步假设这些结果将与内源吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA),脱落酸(ABA)和多胺(PA)的含量相关。为了检验这些假设,将胚发生培养物进行了氟啶酮(FLD)的预培养,并用碳源和聚乙二醇(PEG)的不同组合进行了早熟处理。 FLD预培养后,PEM III的频率增加,IAA和ABA的含量降低,而PA的含量增加。腐胺(Put)是现阶段最丰富的PA,其次是亚精胺(Spd)和亚精胺(Spm)。在早期胚胎发生中,过早处理辅以麦芽糖或乳糖加PEG可以增强PEM III向早期体细胞胚的转化。在此阶段,IAA和ABA含量增加,而总游离PA水平下降。 Put是最丰富的PA,其次是Spd和Spm,主要是在补充PEG的治疗中。这导致PA比(Put / Spd + Spm)降低,因此,PEM III向早期的体细胞胚过渡。结论是,用FLD进行的预培养和过早的处理促进了南洋杉整个早期发育过程中PEM III向早期体细胞胚的转化。



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