首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Exposure to artificial light at night alters innate immune response in wild great tit nestlings

Exposure to artificial light at night alters innate immune response in wild great tit nestlings


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The large-scale impact of urbanization on wildlife is rather well documented; however, the mechanisms underlying the effects of urban environments on animal physiology and behaviour are still poorly understood. Here, we focused on one major urban pollutant - artificial light at night (ALAN) - and its effects on the capacity tomount an innate immune response in wild great tit (Parus major) nestlings. Exposure to ALAN alters circadian rhythms of physiological processes, by disrupting the nocturnal production of the hormone melatonin. Nestlings were exposed to a light source emitting 3 lx for seven consecutive nights. Subsequently, nestlings were immune challenged with a lipopolysaccharide injection, and we measured haptoglobin and nitric oxide levels pre- and post-injection. Both haptoglobin and nitric oxide are importantmarkers for innate immune function. We found that ALAN exposure altered the innate immune response, with nestlings exposed to ALAN having lower haptoglobin and higher nitric oxide levels after the immune challenge compared with dark-night nestlings. Unexpectedly, nitric oxide levels were overall lower after the immune challenge than before. These effects were probably mediated by melatonin, as ALAN-treated birds had on average 49% lowermelatonin levels than the dark-night birds. ALAN exposure did not have any clear effects on nestling growth. This study provides a potential physiological mechanism underlying the documented differences in immune function between urban and rural birds observed in other studies. Moreover, it gives evidence that ALAN exposure affects nestling physiology, potentially causing long-term effects on physiology and behaviour, which ultimately can affect their fitness.
机译:城市化对野生动物的大规模影响已有相当充分的记录;然而,城市环境对动物生理和行为影响的机制仍知之甚少。在这里,我们重点研究了一种主要的城市污染物——夜间人工照明(ALAN)——及其对野生大山雀(Parus major)雏鸟的先天免疫反应能力的影响。与艾伦接触会扰乱褪黑素的夜间分泌,从而改变生理过程的昼夜节律。雏鸟连续七晚暴露在发出3lx光的光源下。随后,通过注射脂多糖对雏鸟进行免疫激发,我们测量了注射前后的结合珠蛋白和一氧化氮水平。结合珠蛋白和一氧化氮都是先天免疫功能的重要标志物。我们发现艾伦暴露改变了先天免疫反应,与黑夜雏鸟相比,暴露于艾伦的雏鸟在免疫挑战后具有较低的结合珠蛋白和较高的一氧化氮水平。出乎意料的是,免疫挑战后,一氧化氮水平总体上比之前低。这些效应可能是由褪黑素介导的,因为艾伦处理过的鸟类的褪黑素水平比黑夜鸟类平均低49%。艾伦暴露对雏鸟的生长没有任何明显的影响。这项研究为其他研究中观察到的城市和农村鸟类免疫功能差异提供了潜在的生理机制。此外,它还提供了证据,表明暴露在环境中会影响雏鸟的生理学,可能会对生理学和行为产生长期影响,最终会影响它们的健康。



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