
Favism in a 15-month-old baby


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A 15-month-old male baby of Chinese ethnicity was brought by his parents to the emergency department of our hospital with lethargy and yellowish discoloration of eyes, noticed for -24 hours. On examination, the baby was pale and icteric. Blood tests revealed a low hemoglobin of 50 g/L, mild neutrophilia, and normal platelet count. A blood film examination showed normocytic normochromic red cells, hemighosts (blister cells), irregularly contracted cells, and a few bite cells. Indirect bilirubin values were high, and a urine dipstick was positive for hemoglobin. This picture was suggestive of oxidative hemolysis, and the parents stated that the baby was given fava bean soup on the previous day. A glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) assay showed a low value (3.2 IU/g Hb; reference range, 8.8-17.5 IU/g Hb), confirming that the baby had hemizygous G6PD deficiency and fava beans had caused hemolytic crisis. There was no family history of favism or neonatal jaundice.
机译:他的父母将一名15个月大的中国裔男婴带到我院急诊室,眼睛昏昏欲睡和淡黄,并注意到了24小时。经检查,婴儿脸色苍白,黄疸。血液检查显示血红蛋白低至50 g / L,轻度中性粒细胞增多,血小板计数正常。血膜检查显示正常血红细胞正常血红细胞,半透明细胞(起泡细胞),不规则收缩的细胞和少量咬合细胞。间接胆红素值很高,尿液试纸的血红蛋白阳性。这张照片暗示了氧化性溶血,父母说婴儿在前一天吃了蚕豆汤。葡萄糖6磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)测定值较低(3.2 IU / g Hb;参考范围为8.8-17.5 IU / g Hb),证实该婴儿患有半合子G6PD缺乏症,蚕豆引起了溶血危险。没有家族性黄疸或新生儿黄疸病史。



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