首页> 外文期刊>Blood: The Journal of the American Society of Hematology >Tumor cells in multiple myeloma patients inhibit myeloma-reactive T cells through carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule-6.

Tumor cells in multiple myeloma patients inhibit myeloma-reactive T cells through carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule-6.


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Although functionally competent cytotoxic, T cells are frequently observed in malignant diseases, they possess little ability to react against tumor cells. This phenomenon is particularly apparent in multiple myeloma. We here demonstrate that cytotoxic T cells reacted against myeloma antigens when presented by autologous dendritic cells, but not by myeloma cells. We further show by gene expression profiling and flow cytometry that, similar to many other malignant tumors, freshly isolated myeloma cells expressed several carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecules (CEACAMs) at varying proportions. Binding and crosslinking of CEACAM-6 by cytotoxic T cells inhibited their activation and resulted in T-cell unresponsiveness. Blocking of CEACAM-6 on the surface of myeloma cells by specific monoclonal antibodies or CEACAM-6 gene knock down by short interfering RNA restored T-cell reactivity against malignant plasma cells. These findings suggest that CEACAM-6 plays an important role in the regulation of CD8+ T-cell responses against multiple myeloma; therefore, therapeutic targeting of CEACAM-6 may be a promising strategy to improve myeloma immunotherapy.
机译:尽管功能上具有细胞毒性,但在恶性疾病中经常观察到T细胞,但它们对肿瘤细胞的反应能力却很小。这种现象在多发性骨髓瘤中尤为明显。我们在这里证明当自体树突状细胞而非骨髓瘤细胞呈递时,细胞毒性T细胞对骨髓瘤抗原起反应。我们进一步通过基因表达谱和流式细胞术表明,与许多其他恶性肿瘤相似,新鲜分离的骨髓瘤细胞以不同比例表达了几种癌胚抗原相关细胞粘附分子(CEACAMs)。 CEACAM-6与细胞毒性T细胞的结合和交联抑制了它们的活化并导致T细胞无反应性。通过特异性单克隆抗体或通过短干扰RNA敲低CEACAM-6基因来阻断骨髓瘤细胞表面的CEACAM-6还原了T细胞对恶性浆细胞的反应性。这些发现表明CEACAM-6在针对多发性骨髓瘤的CD8 + T细胞应答的调节中起着重要作用。因此,CEACAM-6的治疗靶向可能是改善骨髓瘤免疫治疗的有前途的策略。


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