首页> 外文期刊>Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology >High seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus among migrant workers from Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos who are living in Thailand.

High seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus among migrant workers from Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos who are living in Thailand.


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In Thailand, the socio-economic development that has occurred over the last few decades has brought general improvements in living standards, sanitation and hygiene. In consequence, there has been a gradual decline in the general seroprevalence of infection with hepatitis A virus (HAV), from a hyper-endemic situation to the current meso-endemicity (Poovorawan et al., 1997; Chatchatee et al., 2002; Chatproedprai et al., 2007). There is, however, some concern that areas with large populations of migrants from the neighbouring countries of Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos may still be hyper-endemic for HAV, although little is known about the HAV situation among these migrants or in their countries of origin. In 2004, the Thai Department of Employment estimated, that there were > 1,200,000 people from Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos working in Thailand (lib.doe.go.th/doeinfor/pagedata/ebookdoc/ 020400006369_l.pdf), and this estimate took no account of unregistered and illegal migrants. The annual influx of migrants is predicted to increase over the next few decades, and it is clear that the health problems of these workers could well have an impact on the non-migrant population.
机译:在泰国,过去几十年来发生的社会经济发展使人们的生活水平,环境卫生和个人卫生状况有了总体改善。结果,从高流行病情到当前的中度流行,甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)感染的总体血清阳性率逐渐下降(Poovorawan等,1997; Chatchaetee等,2002; P。 Chatproedprai等,2007)。然而,有人担心,来自缅甸,柬埔寨和老挝邻国的移民人口众多的地区仍可能是甲肝流行病,尽管对这些移民或其原籍国的甲肝状况知之甚少。泰国就业部在2004年估计,有超过1,200,000的缅甸,柬埔寨和老挝人在泰国工作(lib.doe.go.th/doeinfor/pagedata/ebookdoc/ 020400006369_l.pdf),而这一估计没有得出任何结论。未注册和非法移民的帐户。预计未来几十年,每年移民的涌入将增加,显然,这些工人的健康问题很可能会对非移民人口产生影响。



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