首页> 外文期刊>農業電化 >Nonconsumptive Effects of Predatory Chrysomya rufifacies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Larval Cues on Larval Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Growth and Development

Nonconsumptive Effects of Predatory Chrysomya rufifacies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Larval Cues on Larval Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Growth and Development


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Forensic entomologists often rely on development data associated with a given species to estimate when it colonized human or other vertebrate remains. In most instances, these development studies are based on single species reared in isolation in the laboratory. This study examined the impact of excretions and secretions (ES) associated with third-instar Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart), a predator, on the development of its prey, Cochliomyia macellaria (F.). Not surprisingly, Ch. rufifacies ES did not impact the development of first-or second-instar C. macellaria, which are typically not preyed on by Ch. rufifacies. However, development of thirdinstar C. macellaria, which do experience predation, was impacted. First, larvae were longer than those in the control (deionized water, dH(2)O). Filtering the ES and removing the associated bacteria and byproducts > 0.2 mu m dampened the previous impact observed by the unfiltered ES on third-instar C. macellaria. Second, third-instar C. macellaria treated with unfiltered ES completed pupariation 8 h quicker than the controls. Filtering the ES lessened this effect by 50%. And finally, third-instar C. macellaria treated with filtered or unfiltered Ch. rufifacies ES reached adulthood similar to 5 h faster than controls treated with dH(2)O. In summary, these data have large ramifications for forensic entomology, as multiple species being present on decomposing remains is not uncommon. Understanding the impact of associated ES produced by interspecific cohorts on associated development could lead to more precise estimates of the minimum postmortem interval for forensic investigation of decomposing remains.
机译:法医昆虫学家通常依靠与特定物种相关的发育数据来估计该物种何时在人类或其他脊椎动物遗骸上定居。在大多数情况下,这些发育研究是基于在实验室隔离饲养的单一物种。这项研究考察了与三龄红腹金蝇(Macquart)相关的排泄物和分泌物(ES)对其捕食对象Cochliomyia macellaria(F.)发育的影响。毫不奇怪,红翅目昆虫并没有影响一龄或二龄马其顿红翅目昆虫的发育,红翅目昆虫通常不会捕食这种昆虫。然而,第三星C.macellaria的发展受到了影响,它确实经历了捕食。首先,幼虫比对照组(去离子水,dH(2)O)长。过滤ES并去除>0.2μm的相关细菌和副产物,减弱了未过滤ES之前对三龄C.macellaria的影响。第二,用未经过滤的ES处理的三龄马其顿假丝酵母菌比对照组快8小时完成化蛹。过滤电子束可以减少50%的这种影响。最后,经过滤或未经过滤的红棘球绦虫处理的三龄马氏锥虫成年期比经dH(2)O处理的对照组快5小时。总之,这些数据对法医昆虫学有很大影响,因为分解残骸上存在多个物种并不罕见。了解种间群体产生的相关胚胎对相关发育的影响,有助于更精确地估计分解遗骸法医调查的最小死后间隔。



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