首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Tolerance and Bioaccumulation of Cadmium and Lead byEndophytic Fungi

Tolerance and Bioaccumulation of Cadmium and Lead byEndophytic Fungi


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Global modernization, industrialization and urbanization have resulted in increased contamination of our environment by heavy metals. A long persistence of heavy metals in nature has lead to the development of metal resistant microbial strain. Microorganisms play a significant role in bioremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil. In this study, endophytic fungal isolates (EN1 and EN2) isolated from root of Amaranthus spinosus collected from contaminated site of Bhanpur, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh havebeen studied for their tolerance and capacities to uptake heavy metals like cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb). Among the two fungi, EN1 was found to have maximum tolerance for both Cd and Pb based on their growth on heavy metal supplemented potato dextrose agar medium. It also revealed that the maximum uptake of Pb and Cd was 85.7% and 82.6%, respectively at increasing concentration (0-20 ppm). Fungal isolate EN1 was identified to be Penicillum sp. based on morphological and molecular characteristics. This study indicated the potential of these endophytic fungi for bioaccumulation of higher concentration of Cd and Pb from contaminated site which make them potential candidate for bioremediation. Finally, the result indicated that Penicillium sp. could be a prospective candidate to increase the phytoremediation efficiency of plant and play an important role in the decontamination of polluted soil.
机译:全球现代化、工业化和城市化导致重金属对环境的污染加剧。重金属在自然界中的长期存在导致了耐金属微生物菌株的发展。微生物在重金属污染土壤的生物修复中发挥着重要作用。在这项研究中,从中央邦博帕尔邦班普尔污染区采集的苋菜根中分离的内生真菌菌株(EN1和EN2)已被研究,以了解其耐受性和吸收镉(Cd)和铅(Pb)等重金属的能力。在这两种真菌中,EN1在添加重金属的马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基上生长,对镉和铅的耐受性最高。研究还表明,在浓度增加(0-20 ppm)时,铅和镉的最大吸收量分别为85.7%和82.6%。根据形态学和分子特征,真菌分离物EN1被鉴定为青霉。这项研究表明,这些内生真菌对污染场地中较高浓度的镉和铅具有生物累积的潜力,这使它们成为生物修复的潜在候选。结果表明,青霉可以作为提高植物修复效率的候选菌株,在污染土壤的净化中发挥重要作用。



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