首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Entomological Society of America >The natural history, immature stages, and shelter building behavior of Dion carmenta (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae) in eastern Ecuador.

The natural history, immature stages, and shelter building behavior of Dion carmenta (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae) in eastern Ecuador.

机译:厄瓜多尔东部Dion carmenta(鳞翅目:Hesperiidae:Hesperiinae)的自然历史,未成熟阶段和避难所的建设行为。

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We describe the immature stages and shelter building behavior of the skipper butterfly Dion carmenta (Hewitson) from eastern Ecuador. Adults infrequently are encountered and feed on a variety of flowers, generally at forest edges and clearings. Chusquea c.f. scandens Kunth (Poaceae: Bambusoidea) is the larval food plant. Young larvae have black heads with white, unadorned bodies, changing little as they grow, with the exception of developing a reddish tinge to thoracic segments. Larvae of all stadia construct and dwell in shelters built on the food plant and forcibly eject frass with the aid of an anal comb. Pupation occurs on the food plant in a final structure formed by joining together multiple leaves with silk. Development, from oviposition to eclosion, lasts 128-147 d.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/AN10063
机译:我们描述了来自厄瓜多尔东部的船长蝶Dion carmenta(Hewitson)的未成熟阶段和庇护所的建设行为。很少见到成年动物,它们通常在森林边缘和空地上觅食各种花朵。 Chusquea c.f. scandens Kunth(禾本科:Bambusoidea)是幼虫食用植物。幼虫的头为黑色,头顶呈白色,未经修饰,随着它们的生长而变化不大,除了在胸段上出现淡红色调。所有stadia的幼虫都构造并居住在建在食用植物上的避难所中,并借助肛门梳子强行排出fr。化up发生在食用植物上,其最终结构是通过将多片叶子与丝绸连接在一起而形成的。从产卵到繁殖的过程持续128-147 d。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/AN10063



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