首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science >Differential Expression of Key Floral Initiation Genes in Response to Plant Growth Regulator Application and Alternate Bearing in Pecan

Differential Expression of Key Floral Initiation Genes in Response to Plant Growth Regulator Application and Alternate Bearing in Pecan


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Regarding pecan (Carya illinoinensis), alternate bearing, which is a biennial fluctuation of crop yield, is a major hindrance for the pecan industry. Little is known about the internal cues that trigger pecan shoots to become reproductive. This 2-year study approached the mysteries of alternate bearing of pecan by determining whether pecan homologs of three genes known to control floral initiation in other species are expressed differently at various times of the growing season or in distinct plant tissues, and whether expression of these genes can be manipulated by plant growth regulator (PGR) application when compared with an untreated control group. The flowering genes of interest were pecan homologs of leafy (CpLFY), apetala1 (CpAP1), and flowering locus t (CpFT). During year 1 (2014), PGRs ethephon and gibberellin GA(3) were applied at the shoot level 1 week before each of three tissue sampling dates (13 June, 3 July, 29 July). During the following year (2015), two more PGRs were added to the study [a second double rate (2X) of gibberellin GA(3) and ethylene inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG)] for a total of four PGRs (applied on 10 June, 1 July, and 23 July) plus the untreated control. Experimental leaf and bud tissues were sampled from fruiting and nonfruiting shoots on mature 'Western' pecan trees and analyzed separately. Normalized expression levels of CpLFY and CpAP1 were significantly higher in buds than in leaves. Normalized expression of CpLFY in bud tissues differed statistically based on the sampling date in 2014, with the earliest date (13 June) having higher expression than the two later dates that year. In 2015, a treatment 3 date interaction revealed that, compared with the untreated control, CpLFY expression was significantly lower in shoots treated with both gibberellin GA(3) dosages on 1 July. A few weeks later (23 July), CpLFY expression was lower in the 2X GA(3) treatment group and higher in samples treated with AVG. In 2014, CpAP1 expression in buds was significant, with a treatment 3 date interaction in which ethephon increased CpAP1 expression, but only on one date (29 July). In 2015, bud CpAP1 expression was significantly higher in fruiting than in nonfruiting shoots; however, again, only on one date. The results reveal differential expression of these key flowering genes based on tissue type, sampling date, and fruiting status of the shoot and PGR treatment. Results suggest that more research of the effects of PGRs is necessary for understanding the flowering behavior of pecan and mitigating the intensity of alternate bearing.
机译:关于山核桃(Carya illinoinensis),轮作是作物产量的两年波动,是山核桃产业的主要障碍。人们对触发山核桃芽繁殖的内部线索知之甚少。这项为期两年的研究通过确定三个已知控制其他物种开花的基因的山核桃同系物是否在生长季节的不同时间或不同的植物组织中表达不同,来探索山核桃交替结果的奥秘,与未经处理的对照组相比,这些基因的表达是否可以通过应用植物生长调节剂(PGR)来控制。感兴趣的开花基因是叶状(CpLFY)、无花瓣(CpAP1)和开花位点t(CpFT)的山核桃同源基因。在第1年(2014年),在三个组织采样日期(6月13日、7月3日、7月29日)前1周,在地上部水平施用PGRs乙烯利和赤霉素GA(3)。在接下来的一年(2015年),研究中又增加了两种PGR(赤霉素GA(3)和乙烯抑制剂氨基乙氧基乙烯基甘氨酸(AVG)的第二倍率(2X)),总共四种PGR(分别于6月10日、7月1日和7月23日应用)加上未经处理的对照组。从成熟的“西部”山核桃树的结果枝和非结果枝上采集实验叶片和芽组织,并分别进行分析。CpLFY和CpAP1在芽中的标准化表达水平显著高于叶片。根据2014年的采样日期,CpLFY在芽组织中的标准化表达在统计学上存在差异,最早的日期(6月13日)的表达高于当年较晚的两个日期。2015年,治疗3日的相互作用显示,与未治疗的对照组相比,7月1日用两种赤霉素GA(3)剂量处理的嫩枝中CpLFY的表达显著降低。几周后(7月23日),2X GA(3)治疗组的CpLFY表达较低,而AVG治疗组的CpAP1表达较高。2014年,CpAP1在芽中的表达显著,在治疗3日的相互作用中,乙烯利增加了CpAP1的表达,但只有一天(7月29日)。2015年,花蕾CpAP1在结果枝中的表达显著高于非结果枝;然而,再一次,只有一次约会。结果显示,这些关键开花基因的差异表达取决于组织类型、采样日期、新梢和PGR处理的结果状态。结果表明,为了了解山核桃的开花行为和减轻交替结果的强度,有必要对PGRs的影响进行更多的研究。



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