首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Entomological Society of America >Combined Effects of Heat Stress and Food Supply on Flight Performance of Olive Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Combined Effects of Heat Stress and Food Supply on Flight Performance of Olive Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae)


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The olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a newly invasive pest of olives, Olea europaea L., in California. The table olive industry is located in California's Central Valley, where daily high summer temperatures can be >35.0pC. This study investigated the effects of high temperatures (heat stress) and food conditions on the flight performance of B. oleae in laboratory flight mill tests. Flies were provided food (honey and hydrolyzed yeast) and water for a 1-wk preconditioning period and then subjected to 24-h preflight exposure to diurnal temperature regimes (low-high temperatures of 18.3-35.0pC and 18-37.8pC) and deprivation of food. Flies with the preflight stress conditions had significantly lower flight performance (1,305 m and 0.989 h at 18.3-35.0pC and 1,152 m and 0.966 h at 18.3-37.8pC) than control files that were held under no-stress preflight conditions (constant 23.9pC, food, and water) and flew 1,982 m for 1.54 h. Flight distance and duration were further reduced when no water was provided during the 24-h preflight exposure to high temperature stress. Flight distance and duration also were decreased when the preflight exposure period was increased to 2 and 3 d. When flies were deprived of food and water during the preconditioning period, there was significant adult mortality and flight performance was poor (<50 m and <2 min) after 24-h preflight exposure to either the 18.3-35.0pC or the 18.3-37.8pC temperature regime and deprivation of food. Heat stress and food deprivation also reduced postflight fecundity and adult longevity. The results are discussed with respect to the ability of B. oleae to survive summer heat and food deprivation by dispersing to refuges with food, water, and shelter.
机译:橄榄果蝇Bactrocera oleae(Rossi)(双翅目:Tephritidae)是一种新入侵的橄榄害虫,位于加利福尼亚州的油橄榄(Olea europaea L.)。食用橄榄业位于加利福尼亚的中央谷地,夏季的每日高温可能超过35.0pC。这项研究在实验室飞行磨机测试中研究了高温(热应力)和食物条件对油菜双歧杆菌飞行性能的影响。为果蝇提供食物(蜂蜜和水解酵母)和水,进行1周的预处理,然后在昼夜温度条件下(飞行温度分别为18.3-35.0pC和18-37.8pC的低温)进行24小时的飞行前暴露和剥夺食物。处于飞行前压力条件的苍蝇的飞行性能(在18.3-35.0pC时为1,305 m和0.989 h,在18.3-37.8 pC的情况下为1,152 m和0.966 h)比在无应力飞行前条件下(恒定23.9pC)保持飞行,食物和水),飞行了1,982 m,持续1.54 h。在飞行前24小时暴露于高温胁迫下没有洒水时,飞行距离和飞行时间进一步减少。当飞行前暴露时间增加到2和3 d时,飞行距离和飞行时间也减少了。在预适应期中,如果果蝇没有食物和水,则在起飞前24小时暴露于18.3-35.0pC或18.3-37.8中,成虫的死亡率很高,飞行性能很差(<50 m和<2 min)。温度控制和食物匮乏。热应激和食物匮乏也降低了飞行后的生育能力和成年寿命。讨论了油菜芽孢杆菌通过散布在具有食物,水和庇护所的避难所中而在夏季炎热和食物匮乏中生存的能力的结果。



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