首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Rural Studies >Landscapes and resistance in the African diaspora: Five centuries of palm oil on Bahia's Dende Coast

Landscapes and resistance in the African diaspora: Five centuries of palm oil on Bahia's Dende Coast


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This paper examines the long-term development of palm oil landscapes in the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia. In contrast to the agroindustrial monocultures that dominate global production, palm oil in Bahia emerges from a biodiverse cultural landscape constructed through five centuries of transatlantic socioecological exchange. Native to West Africa, African oil palms (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) diffused to the New World during colonial overseas expansion, becoming established in Bahia by the seventeenth century. There the palms helped form a complex cultural landscape that continues to supply local alimentary and spiritual demands for palm oil-an essential resource in many Afro-Brazilian cultural expressions. Extending approximately 70 km south of the capital Salvador, Bahia's traditional palm oil landscapes are now officially dubbed the Dena Coast (Costa do Dende"), following the Kimbundu Bantu-inspired Afro-Brazilian term for palm oil. Historically colonial officials and elite Brazilians showed little interest in Bahia's palm oil economy, effectively conceding it to Afro-descendants until the mid-twentieth century. Since then, a series of modern development interventions have sought to transform the complex, biodiverse landscapes of the Dende Coast into a legible oil palm monoculture based on an improved hybrid variety. Yet despite recurrent top-down efforts, emergent or "subspontaneous" groves and traditional polycultural landscapes continue to dominate land use in the region. Drawing on ethnography, landscape interpretations, archives, and geospatial analysis, this paper analyzes the historical development of Bahia's palm oil economy, recounting five centuries of socioecological changes on the Dende Coast. The study integrates recent geographical treatments of the African diaspora with theories of complexity to comprehend the ongoing proliferation of Bahia's traditional palm oil landscapes despite top-down promotion of modern monocultures.
机译:本文研究了巴西东北部巴伊亚州棕榈油景观的长期发展。与主导全球生产的农工单一种植不同,巴伊亚的棕榈油是在五个世纪的跨大西洋社会生态交流中形成的生物多样性文化景观中形成的。原产于西非的非洲油棕榈(Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)在殖民海外扩张期间扩散到新大陆,17世纪在巴伊亚建立。在那里,棕榈树帮助形成了一个复杂的文化景观,继续为当地提供棕榈油的营养和精神需求,棕榈油是许多非洲裔巴西文化表达中的一种基本资源。延伸至首都萨尔瓦多以南约70公里,巴伊亚的传统棕榈油景观现在被正式命名为德纳海岸(Costa do Dende)紧随着Kimbundu Bantu启发的非洲裔巴西人对棕榈油的称呼。从历史上看,殖民地官员和巴西人精英对巴伊亚的棕榈油经济几乎不感兴趣,直到20世纪中叶,巴伊亚的棕榈油经济才真正让给了非洲人后裔。从那时起,一系列现代发展干预措施试图将登德海岸复杂的生物多样性景观转变为基于改良杂交品种的清晰的油棕单一栽培。然而,尽管反复进行自上而下的努力,新兴或“亚大陆”的树林和传统的多元文化景观仍然主导着该地区的土地利用。本文利用人种学、景观解读、档案和地理空间分析,分析了巴伊亚棕榈油经济的历史发展,叙述了登德海岸五个世纪的社会生态变化。这项研究将最近对非洲侨民的地理处理与复杂性理论结合起来,以理解巴伊亚传统棕榈油景观的不断扩散,尽管现代单一栽培自上而下地得到了推广。



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