首页> 外文期刊>Journal of oncology pharmacy practice: official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners >The role of fentanyl in the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain: Different biotechnologies, different results and different drug costs

The role of fentanyl in the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain: Different biotechnologies, different results and different drug costs


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The aim of this paper was to assess the drug costs of the different biotechnologies (intranasal fentanyl spray (INFS), oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC) and fentanyl buccal tablet (FBT)) in the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain (BTCP). We have calculated the mean drug costs (expressed in euros (€)) for patients treated for BTCP. INFS resulted the less expensive towards OTFC and FBT, with 697 440 €versus (vs.) 809 552 €vs. 779 662 €every 100 patients treated for BTCP, respectively. In conclusion, combining drug costs of different biotechnologies (INFS, OTFC and FBT) with the measure of efficacy represented by the reduction of BTCP avoided (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, ICER), INFS resulted in better cost-effectiveness.
机译:本论文的目的是评估不同生物技术(鼻腔芬太尼喷雾剂(INFS)、口服透粘膜枸橼酸芬太尼(OTFC)和芬太尼口腔片(FBT))治疗突破性癌痛(BTCP)的药物成本。我们计算了接受BTCP治疗的患者的平均药物成本(以欧元表示)。INFS导致OTFC和FBT的成本较低,每100名接受BTCP治疗的患者中分别有697 440欧元和809 552欧元,779 662欧元。总之,将不同生物技术(INFS、OTFC和FBT)的药物成本与BTCP减少(增量成本效益比,ICER)所代表的疗效指标相结合,INFS产生了更好的成本效益。



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