首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Entomology >An Investigation of Human-Mosquito Contact Using Surveys and Its Application in Assessing Dengue Viral Transmission Risk

An Investigation of Human-Mosquito Contact Using Surveys and Its Application in Assessing Dengue Viral Transmission Risk


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Aedes-borne viral diseases such as dengue fever are surging in incidence in recent years. To investigate viral transmission risks, the availability of local transmission parameters is essential. One of the most important factors directly determining infection risk is human-mosquito contact. Yet the contact rate is not often characterized, compared with other risk metrics such as vector density, because of the limited research tool options. In this study, human-mosquito contact was assessed in two study sites in the Southern United States using self-administered standardized survey instruments. The fraction of mosquito bites attributed to important vector species was estimated by human landing sampling. The survey participants reported a significantly higher outdoor mosquito bite exposure than indoor.The reported bite number was positively correlated with outdoor time during at-risk periods.There was also a significant effect of the study site on outdoor bite exposure, possibly due to the differing vector density. Thus, the levels of human-mosquito contact in this study were influenced both by the mosquito density and human behaviors. A dengue virus transmission model demonstrated that the observed difference in the contact rates results in differential virus transmission risks. Our findings highlight the practicality of using surveys to investigate human-mosquito contact in a setting where bite exposure levels differ substantially, and serve as a basis for further evaluations. This study underscores a new avenue that can be used in combination with other field methods to understand how changes in human behavior may influence mosquito bite exposure which drives mosquito-borne virus transmission.



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