首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Entomological Society of America >The Importance of Relative Humidity for Telenomus remus (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) Parasitism and Development on Corcyra cephalonica (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Eggs

The Importance of Relative Humidity for Telenomus remus (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) Parasitism and Development on Corcyra cephalonica (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Eggs


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The rearing of Telenomus remus (Nixon 1937) has been limited due to the difficulty of its development in its natural host, the eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith). Environmental conditions can strongly affect egg's parasitoid rearing on factitious hosts; however, until now only the effects of temperature have been studied. The importance of relative humidity in T. remus parasitism is poorly understood; therefore, this study evaluated its parasitism on Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton, 1866) and S. frugiperda eggs under different humidity regimes. Lifetime parasitism and parasitism viability were higher on S. frugiperda eggs and did not differ among humidity regimes. However, these biological parameters were higher at 80% humidity than at both 40 and 60% humidity when T. remus was reared on C. cephalonica eggs. The sex ratio was always higher than 0.6 for all hosts and humidity regimes. Parental female longevity was only influenced by humidity when presented to C. cephalonica eggs: it was higher at 60 and 80% humidity. T. remus egg-to-adult period was longer in C. cephalonica eggs; however, no difference between humidity regimes was noted. In general, relative humidity affected T. remus development only when it was reared on C. cephalonica eggs. For this factitious host, 80% humidity was shown to be appropriate for egg parasitoid rearing due to its better biological performance.
机译:由于其在天然寄主-Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E. Smith)的卵中发育困难,因此限制了Telenomus remus(Nixon 1937)的饲养。环境条件会严重影响卵在人为宿主上的寄生性寄生虫;但是,到目前为止,仅研究温度的影响。人们对相对湿度在雷莫氏酵母寄生中的重要性了解甚少。因此,本研究评估了在不同湿度条件下对头球菌(Stainton,1866)和沙门氏菌卵的寄生性。弗氏链球菌卵的终生寄生虫和寄生虫生存力较高,并且在不同湿度条件下无差异。然而,当在头孢菌卵上饲养雷氏梭菌时,这些生物学参数在80%湿度下比在40%和60%湿度下都高。在所有宿主和湿度条件下,性别比始终高于0.6。父母对女性的寿命只有在被送入头孢梭菌卵时才受湿度的影响:湿度在60%和80%时更高。 C. cephalonica卵中的T. remus卵到成年期较长;然而,没有注意到湿度方案之间的差异。通常,相对湿度仅在将其饲养在头孢梭菌卵上时才会影响雷氏螺旋体的发育。对于这个人为的宿主,由于其更好的生物学性能,显示80%的湿度适合于卵寄生性卵的饲养。



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