首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Forest Science >Growth and structure of pre-mature mixed standsof Scots pine created by direct seeding in the boreal zone

Growth and structure of pre-mature mixed standsof Scots pine created by direct seeding in the boreal zone


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The purpose of the research is to analyse the successful creation of an artificial pine forest by seeding and develop recommendations for the guaranteed reproduction of pine stands in Northern European Russia. In recent decades, there has been a steady decline in the share of pine stands and their replacement with low-value and low-yielding tree species. We surveyed 12 permanent sample plots that were laid out in various variants of forest crops. The taxation parameters were obtained by a standard analysis of the experimental data. The evaluation parameters of the stands vary within the following limits: the average diameter of the pine trees varied from 21.9 to 30.9 cm; the total basal area of the pine varied from 19.1 to 38.8 m2ha_1; the average height of the pine varied from 20.1 to 26.8 m; the number of growing trees varied from 754 to 1 952 ha-1; the pines varied from 382 to 762 ha-1; the growing stocks of stands varied from 416 to 608 m3-ha The distribution of pine trees by thickness steps showed that all the studied samples were close to the normal distribution curve. The results of the correlation and multidimensional analyses showed that the creation method of the forest crops had a significant impact on the value of the taxation parameters. It was found that the best options for growing pure pine stands that can be recommended for practical production are plots with a large share of soil cultivation and the size of the seedbed.
机译:这项研究的目的是分析通过播种成功创建人工松林的情况,并为俄罗斯北欧松林的保证繁殖提出建议。近几十年来,松树林的份额稳步下降,并被低价值、低产树种取代。我们调查了12个永久性样本地块,这些地块以不同的森林作物品种分布。税收参数是通过对实验数据的标准分析获得的。林分的评价参数在以下范围内变化:松树的平均直径在21.9至30.9厘米之间变化;松树的总断面积从19.1平方米到38.8平方米不等;松树的平均高度从20.1米到26.8米不等;生长树木的数量从754公顷到1952公顷不等;松树面积从382公顷到762公顷不等;林分蓄积量从416到608 m3 ha不等。松树厚度阶跃分布表明,所有研究样本均接近正态分布曲线。相关和多维分析的结果表明,森林作物的创造方法对税收参数的价值有显著影响。研究发现,可推荐用于实际生产的纯松林的最佳选择是土壤耕作面积大、苗床大小大的地块。



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