首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Econometrics >Sparse HP filter: Finding kinks in the COVID-19 contact rate ?

Sparse HP filter: Finding kinks in the COVID-19 contact rate ?


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In this paper, we estimate the time-varying COVID-19 contact rate of a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model. Our measurement of the contact rate is constructed using data on actively infected, recovered and deceased cases. We propose a new trend filtering method that is a variant of the Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter, constrained by the number of possible kinks. We term it the sparse HP filter and apply it to daily data from five countries: Canada, China, South Korea, the UK and the US. Our new method yields the kinks that are well aligned with actual events in each country. We find that the sparse HP filter provides a fewer kinks than the MP trend filter, while both methods fitting data equally well. Theoretically, we establish risk consistency of both the sparse HP and l(1) trend filters. Ultimately, we propose to use time-varying contact growth rates to document and monitor outbreaks of COVID-19. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:本文估计了2019冠状病毒疾病的恢复时间(CIR)模型。我们对接触率的测量是使用积极感染、康复和死亡病例的数据构建的。我们提出了一种新的趋势过滤方法,它是Hodrick-Prescott(HP)过滤器的一种变体,受可能的扭结数量的限制。我们将其命名为稀疏HP过滤器,并将其应用于来自五个国家的每日数据:加拿大、中国、韩国、英国和美国。我们的新方法产生的扭结与每个国家的实际情况非常吻合。我们发现稀疏HP过滤器提供的扭结比MP趋势过滤器少,而这两种方法对数据的拟合效果相同。理论上,我们建立了稀疏HP和l(1)趋势过滤器的风险一致性。最后,我们建议2019冠状病毒疾病的爆发和使用时变接触生长率。(C) 2020年,作者。由Elsevier B.V.出版。



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