首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Entomological Society of America >Prionohydrus, a New Genus of Noterini Thomson (Coleoptera: Noteridae) From South America With Three New Species and Its Phylogenetic Considerations

Prionohydrus, a New Genus of Noterini Thomson (Coleoptera: Noteridae) From South America With Three New Species and Its Phylogenetic Considerations

机译:Prionohydrus,一种来自南美洲的Noterini Thomson(鞘翅目:Noteridae)的新属,具有三个新种及其系统发育考虑

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Anew genus of Noterini, Prionohydrus Gomez and Miller gen. n., and three new species are described from South America: Prionohydrus matogrossensis Gomez and Miller sp. n. from Brazil and Prionohydrus marc Gomez and Miller sp. n. and Prionohydrus ubercornis Gomez and Miller sp. n. from Venezuela. The new genus was scored for characters presented in a recent phylogenetic analysis of the family, and key morphological characters are illustrated, including male and female genitalia. A parsimony analysis of these data resulted in a single, most parsimonious solution, with members of the new genus resolved as sister to Mesonoterus Sharp with moderate support. Prionohydrus is similar to Mesonoterus and can be distinguished from this and other Noterini based on a combination of the following: 1) distal attachment of protarsus to protibia; 2) posterior protibial spine present; 3) single, weakly curved, apical protibial spur present; 4) last abdominal tergum with large medial spine flanked by numerous setae; 5) posterior mesotibial spur strongly serrate; 6) anterior metatibial spur strongly serrate; 7) prosternal process narrow, rounded apically, and widest near the middle; 8) prosternum longitudinally broad and glabrous; 9) weak, angular setae along posterodistal margin of metafemur present; 10) pronotal bead moderately broad; 11) cluster of setae at apex of medial metacoxal lobe present; and 12) antenna of males expanded, from slightly incrassate to strongly incrassate.
机译:Noterini的新属,Prionohydrus Gomez和Miller属。 n。,并从南美描述了三个新物种:Prionohydrus matogrossensis Gomez和Miller sp.。 。来自巴西和Prionohydrus marc Gomez和Miller sp。 。和Prionohydrus ubercornis Gomez和Miller sp。 。来自委内瑞拉。该新属是根据最近对该家族进行的系统发育分析中出现的字符进行评分的,并说明了主要的形态特征,包括男性和女性生殖器。对这些数据进行简约分析后,得出了一个最简约的解决方案,该新属的成员在中度支持下被解析为中性尖锐湿疣的姐妹。 Prionohydrus与Mesonoterus相似,并且可以根据以下方面的区别与该Notonini和其他Noterini区别:1)tar骨远端附着在胫骨上; 2)存在后胫骨; 3)存在单一的,微弱弯曲的,顶生的骨刺; 4)最后一个腹内侧大脊骨,两侧有许多刚毛; 5)后胫骨后突强烈锯齿; 6)前胫骨骨刺强烈锯齿; 7)胸骨前部狭窄,顶端圆形,在中间附近最宽; 8)胸骨纵向宽而无毛; 9)沿后股骨后缘出现弱角状刚毛; 10)前胸珠适度宽; 11)在内侧后co叶顶的刚毛刚毛簇; 12)雄性的触角从轻微扩张到强烈扩张。



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