首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Crop Improvement >Nitrogen effect on weed management in rice in a tropical forest-savanna transition zone of Nigeria

Nitrogen effect on weed management in rice in a tropical forest-savanna transition zone of Nigeria

机译:尼日利亚热带森林 - 大草原过渡区稻草中杂草管理的氮气影响

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Weed interference and poor soil fertility in rice {Oryza sativa L.) reduce grain yield and economic returns. Field experiments were, therefore, conducted to evaluate the effect of nitrogen (N) and weed-management using manual weeding (MW), herbicide and their combination in upland rice. Increasing N application rate from 0 to 60 and 60 to 90 kg ha""1 resulted in significant increase in weed density and biomass when weeds were controlled with either two MWs or butachlor applied alone at 2 kg ha"1. However, when weeds were controlled with butachlor plus a MW weed density and biomass remained statistically the same with 0, 60 and 90 kg N ha-1. Increasing N application rate to 90 kg ha""1 significantly increased rice grain yield (5.1 t ha-1), similar tothe weed-free check (5.2 t ha-1) when the weeds were controlled by butachlor plus a MW. However, under poor weed management (two MWs (2.8 t ha"1) and butachlor applied alone (2.9 t ha"1)), the response was observed only from 0 to 60 kg N ha"1. Increasing N application from 60 to 90 kg ha"1 in plots with two MWs or butachlor applied alone did not increase rice yield but rather increased weed density and biomass. The results showed that N application at 90 kg ha"1 has the potential to increase weed competition if weeds are not adequately controlled. With adequate weed control using butachlor plus MW, however, application of 90 kg N ha"1 provided higher rice grain yield than 0 and 60 kg N ha"1.
机译:水稻{Oryza sativa L.)中的杂草干扰和土壤肥力差会降低粮食产量和经济效益。因此,进行了田间试验,以评估在旱稻中使用人工除草(MW)、除草剂及其组合的氮(N)和杂草管理的效果。将施氮量从0增加到60和60增加到90 kg ha“1.当使用2 MWs或丁草胺单独施用(2 kg ha)1.控制杂草时,杂草密度和生物量显著增加。然而,当使用丁草胺+1 MW控制杂草时,杂草密度和生物量在统计学上与0、60和90 kg N ha-1保持一致。将施氮量增加到90 kg ha”1.显著增加水稻产量(5.1 t ha-1),类似于用丁草胺加MW控制杂草时的无杂草检查(5.2 t ha-1)。然而,在杂草管理不善的情况下(两MWs(2.8 t ha“1)和丁草胺单独施用(2.9 t ha“1)),仅观察到0至60 kg N ha“1”的响应。在两MWs或丁草胺单独施用的地块中,氮肥施用量从60增加到90 kg ha“1”并没有增加水稻产量,而是增加了杂草密度和生物量。结果表明,如果杂草得不到充分控制,90 kg N ha“1”的施氮量有可能增加杂草的竞争。然而,在使用丁草胺和MW进行充分杂草控制的情况下,90 kg N ha“1”的施氮量比0和60 kg N ha“1”的施氮量提供了更高的水稻产量。



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