首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A >A marvellous embedding of the Lagrangian Grassmannian

A marvellous embedding of the Lagrangian Grassmannian


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We give a embedding of the Lagrangian Grassmannian LG(n) inside an ordinary Grassmannian that is well-behaved with respect to the Wronski map. As a consequence, we obtain an analogue of the Mukhin-Tarasov-Varchenko theorem for LG(n). The restriction of the Wronski map to LG(n) has degree equal to the number of shifted or unshifted tableaux of staircase shape. For special fibres one can define bijections, which, in turn, gives a bijection between these two classes of tableaux. The properties of these bijections lead to a geometric proof of a branching rule for the cohomological map H*(Gr(n, 2n)) circle times H* (LG(n)) - H* (LG(n)), induced by the diagonal inclusion LG(n) - LG(n) x Gr(n, 2n). We also discuss applications to the orbit structure of jeu de taquin promotion on staircase tableaux. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:我们给出了拉格朗日-格拉斯曼函数LG(n)在一个普通格拉斯曼函数中的嵌入,它对Wronski映射表现良好。因此,我们得到了LG(n)的Mukhin-Tarasov-Varchenko定理的类似物。Wronski映射对LG(n)的限制程度等于楼梯形状的移位或未移位表的数量。对于特殊纤维,可以定义双射,而双射又在这两类表之间给出一个双射。这些双射的性质给出了上同调映射H*(Gr(n,2n))圈乘以H*(LG(n))-;H*(LG(n)),由对角线夹杂LG(n)-;LG(n)xgr(n,2n)。我们还讨论了jeu de taquin推广在楼梯表上的轨道结构的应用。(C) 2017爱思唯尔公司版权所有。



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