
Acute Amiodarone Pulmonary Toxicity


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Amiodarone is an effective antiarrhythmic that frequently is used during the perioperative period. Amiodarone possesses a significant adverse reaction profile. Amiodarone-induced pulmonary toxicity (AIPT) is among the most serious adverse effects and is a leading cause of death associated with its use. Despite significant advances in the understanding of AIPT, its etiology and pathogenesis remain incompletely understood. The diagnosis of AIPT is one of exclusion. The clinical manifestations of AIPT are categorized broadly as acute, subacute, and chronic. Acute AIPT is a rarer and more aggressive form of the disease, most often encountered in cardiothoracic surgery. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the predominating pattern of amiodarone's acute pulmonary toxicity. The incidence, risk factors, pathogenesis, and diagnosis of acute AIPT are speculative. Early cardiothoracic literature investigating AIPT often attributed amiodarone to the development of postoperative ARDS. Subsequent studies have found no association between amiodarone and acute AIPT and ARDS development. As a drug that is frequently prescribed to a patient population deemed most at risk for this fatal disease, the conflicting evidence on acute AIPT needs further investigation and clarification. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:胺碘酮是一种有效的抗心律失常药,在围手术期经常使用。胺碘酮具有显著的不良反应。胺碘酮引起的肺毒性(AIPT)是最严重的不良反应之一,是与其使用相关的主要死亡原因。尽管对AIPT的理解取得了重大进展,但其病因和发病机制仍不完全清楚。AIPT的诊断是一种排除。AIPT的临床表现大致分为急性、亚急性和慢性。急性AIPT是一种更罕见、更具攻击性的疾病,最常见于心胸外科手术。急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)是胺碘酮急性肺毒性的主要类型。急性AIPT的发病率、危险因素、发病机制和诊断是推测性的。研究AIPT的早期心胸文献通常将胺碘酮归因于术后ARDS的发展。随后的研究发现胺碘酮与急性AIPT和ARDS发展之间没有关联。作为一种经常向被认为最有可能患这种致命疾病的患者群体开出的药物,关于急性AIPT的相互矛盾的证据需要进一步调查和澄清。(C) 2020爱思唯尔公司版权所有。



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