首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural Brain Research: An International Journal >Withdrawal from chronic cocaine administration induces deficits in brain reward function in C57BL/6J mice.

Withdrawal from chronic cocaine administration induces deficits in brain reward function in C57BL/6J mice.

机译:从慢性可卡因给药中退出会导致C57BL / 6J小鼠的大脑奖励功能缺失。

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Anhedonia is a major symptom of cocaine withdrawal, whereas euphoria characterizes the effects of acute administration of this drug in humans. These mood states can be measured quantitatively in animals with brain reward thresholds obtained from the intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) procedure. Studies have previously reported the reward-enhancing effects of acute cocaine administration using the ICSS procedure in mice, but the effects of chronic cocaine administration and withdrawal on brain reward thresholds have not been widely investigated in this species. Cocaine withdrawal was induced in C57BL/6J mice by removal of intraperitoneal osmotic minipumps that delivered cocaine (90 or 180 mg/kg/day, salt) for 72 h. Mice were tested in the ICSS procedure 3-100 h post-pump removal. Anxiety-like behavior was assessed in the light-dark box 24h post-pump removal. After an 18-day washout period, tolerance and sensitization to the reward-enhancing effects of cocaine were assessed by injecting bolus cocaine intraperitoneally (0, 2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg). The results indicated that 72 h administration of 90 and 180 mg/kg/day cocaine significantly lowered brain reward thresholds. Withdrawal from 90 and 180 mg/kg/day of cocaine administration elevated ICSS thresholds to similar extents. No anxiety-like behavior was observed in the light-dark box during withdrawal from chronic cocaine administration, although the number of transitions between compartments and locomotion in the dark compartment markedly decreased. Chronic cocaine administration did not induce tolerance or sensitization to the reward-enhancing effects of acute cocaine. In conclusion, alterations in mood states induced by cocaine administration and withdrawal in mice can be measured using the ICSS procedure.
机译:快感缺乏症是可卡因戒断的主要症状,而欣快感则表征了这种药物在人类中的急性给药作用。这些情绪状态可以在具有从颅内自我刺激(ICSS)程序获得的大脑奖励阈值的动物中进行定量测量。先前的研究已经报道了使用ICSS程序在小鼠中急性可卡因给药对奖励的增强作用,但是长期可卡因给药和戒断对大脑奖励阈值的影响尚未在该物种中广泛研究。通过去除腹腔内渗透性可卡因(90或180 mg / kg / day,盐)达72 h的腹腔渗透微型泵,在C57BL / 6J小鼠中诱导可卡因戒断。抽水后3-100小时,以ICSS程序测试小鼠。在抽水后24h,在浅色暗盒中评估类似焦虑的行为。在18天的清除期后,通过腹膜内注射大剂量可卡因(0、2.5、5和10 mg / kg)来评估对可卡因的奖励增强作用的耐受性和敏感性。结果表明,服用90和180 mg / kg /天的可卡因72小时可以显着降低大脑奖励阈值。每天从90和180 mg / kg / day的可卡因停用量可将ICSS阈值提高到类似程度。从慢性可卡因撤药期间,在浅色暗盒中未观察到焦虑样行为,尽管在暗室中的间隔和运动之间的过渡数量明显减少了。长期服用可卡因并未引起对急性可卡因的报酬增强作用的耐受性或敏感性。总之,可通过使用ICSS程序测量可卡因给药和小鼠戒断所引起的情绪状态改变。



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