首页> 外文期刊>Magma: Magnetic resonance materials in physics, biology, and medicine >Filling the ZTE dead-time gap with parallel imaging

Filling the ZTE dead-time gap with parallel imaging


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Introduction: Zero Echo-Time (ZTE) imaging with 3D radial sampling has several exciting advantages compared to cartesian imaging, such as low acoustic noise, high efficiency and the ability to capture signals from protons with ultra-short relaxation times [1]. However, due to finite switching time between transmit and receive mode a true ''zero'' echotime cannot be achieved, leading to a dead-time gap in the centre of k-space. Depending on the acquisition parameters, this can lead to large reconstruction artefacts. Methods such as WASPI, PETRA and HYFI acquire extra data to fill this gap [2, 3]. Here we present a simple method that exploits parallel imaging to fill the dead-time gap without acquiring extra data. We name our method ZTE In-filling From Autocalibration NeighbourhooD ELements (ZINFANDEL).



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