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In situ management and domestication of plants in mesoamerica


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Background and Aims Ethnobotanical studies in Mexico have documented that Mesoamerican peoples practise systems of in situ management of wild and weedy vegetation directed to control availability of useful plants. In situ management includes let standing, encouraging growing and protection of individual plants of useful species during clearance of vegetation, which in some cases may involve artificial selection. The aim of this study was to review, complement and re-analyse information from three case studies which examined patterns of morphological, physiological and genetic effects of artificial selection in plant populations under in situ management in the region. Methods Information on wild and in situ managed populations of the herbaceous weedy plants Anoda cristata and Crotalaria pumila, the tree Leucaena esculenta subsp. esculenta and the columnar cacti Escontria chiotilla, Polaskia chichipe and Stenocereus stellatus from Central Mexico was re-analysed. Analyses compared morphology and frequency of morphological variants, germination patterns, and population genetics parameters between wild and managed in situ populations of the species studied. Species of columnar cacti are under different management intensities and their populations, including cultivated stands of P. chichipe and S. stellatus, were also compared between species. Key Results Significant differences in morphology, germination patterns and genetic variation documented between wild, in situ managed and cultivated populations of the species studied are associated with higher frequencies of phenotypes favoured by humans in managed populations. Genetic diversity in managed populations of E. chiotilla and P. chichipe is slightly lower than in wild populations but in managed populations of S. stellatus variation was higher than in the wild. However, genetic distance between populations was generally small and influenced more by geographic distance than by management. Conclusions Artificial selection operating on in situ managed populations of the species analysed is causing incipient domestication. This process could be acting on any of the 600-700 plant species documented to be under in situ management in Mesoamerica. In situ domestication of plants could be relevant to understand early processes of domestication and current conditions of in situ conservation of plant genetic resources.
机译:背景和目的墨西哥的民族植物学研究表明,中美洲人民实践对野生和杂草植物进行原地管理的系统,旨在控制有用植物的可用性。原地管理包括静置,鼓励清除植被期间有用植物的单株生长和保护,在某些情况下可能涉及人工选择。这项研究的目的是审查,补充和重新分析来自三个案例研究的信息,这些案例研究了该地区就地管理下植物种群中人工选择的形态,生理和遗传效应模式。方法有关草本杂草植物Anoda cristata和Crotalaria pumila(Leucaena esculenta亚种)的野生和就地管理种群的信息。 esculenta和来自墨西哥中部的柱状仙人掌Escontria chiotilla,Polaskia chichipe和Stenocereus stellatus进行了重新分析。分析比较了所研究物种的野生种群和受管理就地种群之间的形态和频率,形态变异,发芽模式和种群遗传参数。柱状仙人掌的种类在不同的管理强度下,还比较了它们的种群,包括栽培的P. chichipe和S. stellatus林分。关键结果研究的野生,原位管理和栽培种群之间的形态,萌芽模式和遗传变异的显着差异与管理种群中人类偏爱的表型频率更高有关。 E. chiotilla和P. chichipe的管理种群的遗传多样性略低于野生种群,但St.tusellatus的管理种群的变异性高于野生种群。但是,种群之间的遗传距离通常很小,并且受地理距离的影响大于受管理的影响。结论在所分析物种的原地管理种群上进行的人工选择正在引起初期驯化。该过程可能对据记录正在中美洲进行现场管理的600-700种植物中的任何一种起作用。植物的原位驯化可能与了解驯化的早期过程以及植物遗传资源的原位保护的现状有关。



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