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Health system productivity in China: a comparison of pre- and post-2009 healthcare reform


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In 2009, China launched an ambitious health system reform that combined extending social health insurance scheme with improving efficiency, access and quality of care in the country. To assess the impact of the policy on efficiency and productivity change, we investigated the country's health system performance at provincial levels during pre- and post-reform period. Outputs were measured using multiple health outcomes (namely, non-communicable diseases free healthy life years and infant and maternal survival rates), while health expenditure, number of medical personnel and hospital beds per 1000 residents were used as proxy measures for health inputs. Changes in productivity were quantified using a bootstrap Malmquist productivity index (MPI). The analysis focused on the period between 2004 and 2015. This was to capture pre- and post-policy implementation experience and to ensure that enough time was allowed for the policy to work through. Finally, a bootstrap Tobit regression model for panel data was applied to examine the potential effects of contextual factors on productivity change. The result showed that the reform has had negative effects on productivity. Only scale efficiency had improved steadily, but the decline in the scale of technological change observed during the same period meant that the progress in scale efficiency had been masked. Better economic performance (as measured by per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP)) and higher human resource to capital investment ratio (as measured by density of medical staff per hospital beds) tended to boost productivity growth, while population aging, low educational attainment and higher percentage of out-of-pocket (OOP) payments had adverse effects. Improving health system productivity in China requires improving financial risk protection and maintaining proper balance between human and capital investment in the country.
机译:2009年,中国启动了一项雄心勃勃的医疗体系改革,将扩大社会医疗保险计划与提高医疗效率、普及率和质量结合起来。为了评估该政策对效率和生产力变化的影响,我们调查了改革前后全国省级卫生系统的绩效。产出使用多种健康结果(即无非传染性疾病的健康寿命年和婴儿和产妇存活率)进行衡量,而健康支出、每1000名居民的医疗人员数量和医院床位数被用作健康投入的替代指标。生产力的变化是使用bootstrap Malmquist生产力指数(MPI)进行量化的。分析的重点是2004年至2015年期间。这是为了获取政策实施前后的经验,并确保有足够的时间让政策得以实施。最后,应用面板数据的bootstrap-Tobit回归模型检验了环境因素对生产率变化的潜在影响。结果表明,改革对生产力产生了负面影响。只有规模效率稳步提高,但同期观察到的技术变革规模的下降意味着规模效率的进步被掩盖了。更好的经济表现(以人均国内生产总值(GDP)衡量)和更高的人力资源与资本投资比率(以每张病床的医务人员密度衡量)往往会促进生产率增长,而人口老龄化、低教育程度和更高的自掏腰包(OOP)支付比例则会产生不利影响。提高中国卫生系统的生产率需要改善金融风险保护,并在人力和资本投资之间保持适当的平衡。



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