首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Pregnancy rate in water buffalo following fixed-time artificial insemination using new or used intravaginal devices with two progesterone concentrations

Pregnancy rate in water buffalo following fixed-time artificial insemination using new or used intravaginal devices with two progesterone concentrations


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This study evaluated the pregnancy rate (PR) after timed artificial insemination (TAI) in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) during both non-breeding and breeding season, using either a new or reused intravaginal device (IVD) with two different progesterone concentrations. A total of 247 dairy buffalo cows were randomly assigned using a two-by-three factorial design and four replicates to the following groups: (1) new intravaginal device (IVD-New: DIBA (R), 1.0 g of P-4, n = 51 or CIDRA (R), 1.38 g of P-4, n = 55); (2) intravaginal device previously used once (9 days) (IVD-Used1x: DIB, n = 40 or CIDR, n = 51); or (3) intravaginal device previously used twice (18 days) (IVD-Used2x: DIB, n = 27 or CIDR, n = 23). On day 0, animals received the IVD plus 10.5 mu g of buserelin acetate (GnRH) intramuscularly. On day 9, the devices were removed and 25 mg of PGF(2)alpha plus 500 IU of eCG was given intramuscularly. On day 11 (48 h after IVD withdrawal), animals received 10.5 mu g of GnRH and were artificially inseminated 8-12 h later. Data were analyzed using Proc Logistic of SASA (R). Animals that received IVD-New-DIB, had a significantly higher PR (62.7%; P = 0.0193) compared to animals that received IVD-New-CIDR (40%). Pregnancy rate was not negatively affected by reusing both types of IVD. Overall PR (new and reused devices) was higher (P = 0.0055) in the DIB group (62.7%) compared to the CIDR group (45%). In conclusion, PR was higher in buffaloes treated with devices containing 1.0 g of P-4 (DIBA (R)) compared to those receiving 1.38 g of P-4 (CIDRA (R)). Reusing the intravaginal devices did not affect negatively PR/TAI, suggesting that P-4 concentrations within the TAI protocols in water buffaloes could be reduced, without impairing their fertility.
机译:本研究采用两种不同孕酮浓度的新的或重复使用的阴道内装置(IVD)对水牛(Bubalus bubalis)在非繁殖季节和繁殖季节进行定时人工授精(TAI)后的妊娠率(PR)进行了评估。采用二乘三析因设计和四个重复,将247头奶牛随机分配到以下组:(1)新的阴道内装置(IVD-new:DIBA(R),1.0 g P-4,n=51或CIDRA(R),1.38 g P-4,n=55);(2) 阴道内装置之前使用过一次(9天)(IVD-Used1x:DIB,n=40或CIDR,n=51);或(3)先前使用过两次(18天)的阴道内装置(IVD-Used2x:DIB,n=27或CIDR,n=23)。第0天,动物接受IVD和10.5μg醋酸布舍雷林(GnRH)肌肉注射。第9天,移除设备,肌肉注射25 mg PGF(2)α和500 IU eCG。在第11天(IVD退出后48小时),动物接受10.5μg GnRH,并在8-12小时后进行人工授精。使用SASA(R)的Proc Logistic分析数据。与接受IVD新CIDR(40%)的动物相比,接受IVD新DIB的动物的PR显著更高(62.7%;P=0.0193)。重复使用这两种IVD不会对妊娠率产生负面影响。与CIDR组(45%)相比,DIB组(62.7%)的总体PR(新的和重复使用的设备)更高(P=0.0055)。总之,与接受1.38克P-4(CIDRA(R))的水牛相比,使用含有1.0克P-4(DIBA(R))的装置的水牛的PR更高。重复使用阴道内装置不会对PR/TAI产生负面影响,这表明在不损害水牛繁殖能力的情况下,TAI方案中的P-4浓度可以降低。



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