首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers >ASAS-SN Observations of Long Secondary Periods in Pulsating Red Giants

ASAS-SN Observations of Long Secondary Periods in Pulsating Red Giants


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About a third of all pulsating red giants (PRGs) have long secondary periods (LSPs), an order of magnitude longer than their pulsation periods (P). Although LSPs have been known for many decades, their nature and cause are uncertain. We have analyzed data on 45 PRGs, from the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN), and combined the results with data from the literature to draw a few new conclusions about this phenomenon. LSPs have V amplitudes of up to 0.45 mag. The ratio LSP/P has a peak at 10± 1,and a broader distribution at 7士 1. There is no obvious correlation between LSP/P and LSP itself. Previous studies have suggested that the pulsation amplitude does not vary around the LSP cycle, but varies on longer time scales of 20-45 P. However, we find smaller variations in pulsation amplitude around the LSP cycle, which may be partly due to the effect of the LSP variations on the pulsation amplitude determination, but otherwise appear to be real and common.
机译:大约三分之一的脉冲红巨星(PRG)具有长的次级周期(LSP),比它们的脉冲周期(P)长一个数量级。虽然LSP已经被发现了几十年,但它们的性质和原因尚不确定。我们分析了来自超新星全天空自动测量(ASAS-SN)的45个PRG的数据,并将结果与文献中的数据相结合,得出了一些关于这一现象的新结论。LSP的V振幅高达0.45 mag。LSP/P比值在10±1处有峰值,在7处有更广泛的分布士 1.LSP/P与LSP本身无明显相关性。之前的研究表明,脉动振幅在LSP周期内没有变化,而是在20-45 P的较长时间尺度上变化。然而,我们发现在LSP周期内脉动振幅的变化较小,这可能部分是由于LSP变化对脉动振幅测定的影响,但在其他方面似乎是真实和常见的。



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