
Magnetic texture based magnonics




The spontaneous magnetic orders arising in ferro-, ferri-and antiferromagnets stem from various magnetic interactions. Depending on the interplay and competition among the Heisenberg exchange interaction, Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya exchange interaction, magnetic dipolar interaction and crystal anisotropies, a great variety of magnetic textures may be stabilized, such as magnetic domain walls, vortices, Skyrmions and spiral helical structures. While each of these spin textures responds to external forces in a specific manner with characteristic resonance frequencies, they also interact with magnons, the fundamental collective excitation of the magnetic order, which can propagate in magnetic materials free of charge transport and therefore with low energy dissipation. Recent theories and experiments found that the interplay between spin waves and magnetic textures is particularly interesting and rich in physics. In this review, we introduce and discuss the theoretical framework of magnons living on a magnetic texture background, as well as recent experimental progress in the manipulation of magnons via magnetic textures. The flexibility and reconfigurability of magnetic textures are discussed regarding the potential for applications in information processing schemes based on magnons. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:铁磁体、铁磁体和反铁磁体中产生的自发磁序源于各种磁相互作用。根据海森堡交换相互作用、Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya交换相互作用、磁偶极相互作用和晶体各向异性之间的相互作用和竞争,可以稳定各种各样的磁织构,例如磁畴壁、漩涡、Skyrmion和螺旋结构。虽然这些自旋织构中的每一种都以特定的方式以特征共振频率响应外力,但它们也与磁振子相互作用,磁振子是磁有序的基本集体激发,可以在磁性材料中自由传输,因此具有低能量耗散。最近的理论和实验发现,自旋波和磁性纹理之间的相互作用在物理学中特别有趣和丰富。在这篇综述中,我们介绍并讨论了磁织构背景下磁振子的理论框架,以及磁织构操控磁振子的最新实验进展。讨论了磁性纹理的灵活性和可重构性,以及在基于磁振子的信息处理方案中的潜在应用。(C) 2020爱思唯尔B.V.版权所有。



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