首页> 外文期刊>Studies in Applied Mathematics >Elastic Sheets, Phase Surfaces, and Pattern Universes

Elastic Sheets, Phase Surfaces, and Pattern Universes


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We connect the theories of the deformation of elastic surfaces and phase surfaces arising in the description of almost periodic patterns. In particular, we show parallels between asymptotic expansions for the energy of elastic surfaces in powers of the thickness h and the free energy for almost periodic patterns expanded in powers of epsilon, the inverse aspect ratio of the pattern field. For sheets as well as patterns, the resulting energy can be expressed in terms of natural geometric invariants, the first and second fundamental forms of the elastic surface, respectively, the phase surface. We discuss various results for these energies and also address some of the outstanding questions. We extend previous work on point (in two dimensional) and loop (in three dimensional) disclinations and connect their topological indices with the condensation of Gaussian curvature of the phase surface. Motivated by this connection with the charge and spin of pattern quarks and leptons, we lay out an ambitious program to build a multiscale universe inspired by patterns in which the short (spatial and temporal) scales are given by a nearly periodic microstructure and whose macroscopic/slowly varying/averaged behaviors lead to a hierarchy of structures and features on much longer scales including analogs to quarks and leptons, dark matter, dark energy, and inflationary cosmology. One of our new findings is an interpretation of dark matter as the energy density in a pattern field. The associated gravitational forces naturally result in galactic rotation curves that are consistent with observations, while simultaneously avoiding some of the small-scale difficulties of the standard Lambda CDM (cold dark matter) paradigm in cosmology.
机译:我们将弹性表面的变形理论和几乎周期模式描述中出现的相表面理论联系起来。特别是,我们展示了弹性表面能量的渐近展开式(以厚度h的幂为单位)和几乎周期图案的自由能(以ε的幂为单位展开)之间的相似性,ε是图案场的反纵横比。对于薄板和图案,产生的能量可以表示为自然几何不变量,即弹性表面的第一和第二基本形式,即相位表面。我们讨论了这些能量的各种结果,并解决了一些悬而未决的问题。我们扩展了以前关于点(二维)和环(三维)偏差的工作,并将它们的拓扑指数与相表面高斯曲率的凝聚联系起来。受这种与夸克和轻子的电荷和自旋模式的联系所驱动,我们制定了一个雄心勃勃的计划,以建立一个多尺度宇宙,其灵感来自于一种模式,在这种模式中,短(空间和时间)尺度由一个近似周期性的微观结构给出,其宏观/缓慢变化/平均行为导致在更长尺度上的一系列结构和特征,包括夸克和轻子的类似物、暗物质、暗能量,以及膨胀宇宙学。我们的新发现之一是将暗物质解释为模式场中的能量密度。相关的引力自然会产生与观测一致的银河旋转曲线,同时避免了宇宙学中标准Lambda CDM(冷暗物质)范式的一些小规模困难。



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