首页> 外文期刊>Pesticide Research Journal >Bio-safety of Bacillus thuringiensis Formulation on Emergence of Trichogramma chilonis

Bio-safety of Bacillus thuringiensis Formulation on Emergence of Trichogramma chilonis


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Bio-safety of 5 Bacillus thuringiensis formulations on adult emergence in Trichogramma chilonis is reported. Maximum adult emergence (82.25 per cent) of T. chilonis adults was recorded in tricho card treated with Bt Delfin?WG (manufactured by Centris, USA, L.L.C., USA) which was at par with NBAII-BTG4 isolate (82.05 per cent), PAU Bt isolate (81.54 per cent) and PDBC-BT1 isolate (76.67 percent) at higher dose of 20 g L~(-1). DiPeL-8L (manufactured by Sumitomo Chemical India, Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai) recorded minimum adult emergence (70.12 per cent) at this concentration. Delfin~R WG recorded minimum per cent reduction in adult emergence of T. chilonis over control(9.94 per cent). Thus, it was safe and more compatible with T. chilonis adults, and could be used as a component in integrated pest management along with trichocards.
机译:报道了5种苏云金芽孢杆菌制剂对赤眼蜂成虫羽化的生物安全性。用Bt Delfin?处理过的毛卡记录了最大成虫羽化率(82.25%)?WG(由CiNISIS,美国,L.L.C.,美国)生产,其标准杆数与NBAI-BTG4分离物(82.05%)、PaO-Bt分离物(81.54%)和PDBC-BT1分离物(76.67%)在20 g L~(-1)的较高剂量下。DiPeL-8L(由孟买住友化学印度有限公司生产)记录了该浓度下的最小成虫羽化率(70.12%)。Delfin~R WG记录到,与对照相比,成虫羽化率最低降低了百分之九点九四(9.94%)。因此,它是安全的,与千里光锥虫成虫更为相容,可以与毛卡一起作为害虫综合治理的一个组成部分。



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