
Organs and tissues of Rhynie chert plants

机译:rhynie Chert植物的器官和组织

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The Early Devonian Rhynie chert and the nearbyWindyfield chert contain the oldest in situ preserved terrestrial ecosystem. Two of the seven species of anatomically preserved land plants had naked axes, one an axis with a more or less regular pattern of short-longitudinal ribs, two species had spiny axes and one species had small leaf-like appendages. All plants mainly consist of parenchymatous tissues. In some species, conducting elements comprise uniformly thickened thick-walled cells resembling hydroids of larger bryophytes, whereas others have real tracheids with annular and/or spiral secondary wall thickenings. True phloem has never been demonstrated but in all species the thick-walled water-conducting cells are encircled by a zone of thin-walled cells without intercellular spaces. The cortex is differentiated into two or three zones and forms the major part of the axes; in one species the cells of the middle cortex are sclerified. Some species have a hypodermis. In all species the epidermis is covered by a well-developed cuticle. Sporangia are known from all species. Sporangia are spindle-shaped, lobed or kidney-shaped and attached terminally or laterally with a short stalk. Gametophytes of four species have been described. Gametophytes are unisexual, isomorphic but much smaller than the sporophytes.



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