首页> 外文期刊>Soil Biology & Biochemistry >Air-drying and long time preservation of soil do not significantly impact microbial community composition and structure

Air-drying and long time preservation of soil do not significantly impact microbial community composition and structure


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To determine whether archived air-dried soils can be potentially used to explore microbial information upon sampling, we examined microbial community dynamics during soil air-drying and long time preserving. Fresh soils from five long-term fertilization treatments were sampled, air-dried, and preserved. Soil microbial community was characterized at specific intervals (from 0 h to 8192 h) by Illumina sequencing. The results showed that both prokaryotic and fungal community profiles did not substantially change during air-drying and long time preserving. The fertilization effects on microbial community structure could still be identified using the airdried soils. These findings suggest that air-drying and preserving exerts an almost negligible impact on soil microbial community profiles, laying the foundation for utilizing worldwide archived soils to investigate microbial community.



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