首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Forest Science >Effects of the clear-cutting of a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) plantation on chemical soil fertility.

Effects of the clear-cutting of a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) plantation on chemical soil fertility.

机译:道格拉斯冷杉(Pseudotsuga menziesii(Mirb。)Franco)人工林的整地对化学土壤肥力的影响。

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Stand harvesting and regeneration were usually considered to be a critical phase for the sustainability of forest soils. The present study concerned the effects on soil chemical fertility of the clear-cutting of a highly productive Douglas-fir stand aged 67 years that was clear-cut with no disturbance. Results showed that soil changes were rapid in the three-year period following the cutting. The forest floor mass considerably decreased and the mineral soil showed a limited but real acidification. Soil losses represented 4% of the available nutrients over a depth of 60 cm for N, 22% for K, 25% for Ca and 32% for Mg. Only P increased by 11%. Due to the spatial variability of forest soils, and despite regular re-sampling, confidence intervals were large and difficult to reduce. The reversibility of the effects of the clear-cutting and its consequences on soil functions depend on the element: it should not be a problem for C, N and K, which would recover when the biological cycle is re-established once again in the young stand. Phosphorus is not at issue since it changes form in the soil. The depletion of Ca, and to a lesser extent of Mg, is of some concern as a result of limited soil reserves, the limited flux of cations from the mineral changes in the soil, the relatively large part of Ca and Mg in the forest floor, and the negative input-output budgets for those elements. The duration of the impact of the clear-cutting on soil requires medium-term observations because it cannot be deduced from the current knowledge of this ecosystem.
机译:林分的收获和再生通常被认为是森林土壤可持续性的关键阶段。本研究关注的是高生产率的道格拉斯冷杉林分的明确切割对土壤化学肥力的影响,该林分年龄为67岁,没有任何干扰。结果表明,采伐后三年内土壤变化迅速。森林地表质量大大减少,矿质土壤显示出有限但真正的酸化作用。在60 cm的深度上,土壤流失占N的4%可用营养素,K的22%,Ca的25%和Mg的32%。仅P增加了11%。由于森林土壤的空间变异性,并且尽管进行了定期重新采样,但置信区间很大且难以降低。明确影响及其对土壤功能的影响的可逆性取决于以下因素:对于C,N和K来说应该不是问题,当年轻人重新建立生物循环时,C,N和K会恢复站。磷不是问题,因为它在土壤中会发生变化。由于土壤储量有限,土壤中矿物变化引起的阳离子通量有限,林地中相对较大的Ca和Mg含量,Ca的贫乏以及Mg的较少程度受到关注,以及这些元素的负投入产出预算。砍伐土壤对土壤的影响持续时间需要进行中期观察,因为无法从目前对该生态系统的了解中推论得出。



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