首页> 外文期刊>Animal Production Science >Liveweight gains of young sheep grazing dual-purpose wheat with sodium and magnesium supplied as direct supplement, or with magnesium supplied as fertiliser

Liveweight gains of young sheep grazing dual-purpose wheat with sodium and magnesium supplied as direct supplement, or with magnesium supplied as fertiliser


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In four experiments conducted in 2006-2008 near Canberra, Australia, young sheep grazed vegetative dual-purpose wheat (cv. Mackellar) while receiving either no mineral supplement or receiving extra sodium (Na) and/or magnesium (Mg). In the first two experiments, supplements were fed to the sheep whereas in Experiments 3 and 4, the extra Mg was applied to the crop just before grazing commenced, either as MgSO4 (Experiment 3, 4) or Causmag (MgO; Experiment 4). Direct supplements of Na resulted in increases of liveweight gain of 20-25% (36-42 g/day). In Experiment 2, sheep consumed significantly less of the mixed Na/Mg supplement than of salt alone (12.0 vs 24.8 g/day; P < 0.05) but still grew significantly faster (61 g/day; P < 0.05) than unsupplemented sheep. Application of supplementary Mg to the crop resulted in significant increases in forage Mg, from levels close to animal requirement (0.10% DM) to levels well above this. It also improved a range of mineral indices related to Mg status. Increases in liveweight gain occurred in response to top-dressing of the crop, but compared with feeding Mg directly to the sheep, these were transient and strongly interacted with stocking rate. Estimates of the cost of supplementation or top dressing, and of the value of the extra liveweight gain obtained, indicated that direct supplementation would be economic, but that top-dressing costs would exceed the value of the extra liveweight gain obtained.
机译:在2006-2008年在澳大利亚堪培拉附近进行的四项实验中,幼羊放牧了营养两用小麦(cv。Mackellar),而未接受任何矿物质补充或接受了额外的钠(Na)和/或镁(Mg)。在前两个实验中,向绵羊饲喂补品,而在实验3和4中,刚开始放牧之前就在作物上施用了额外的Mg,其形式为MgSO4(实验3、4)或Causmag(MgO;实验4)。直接补充Na导致体重增加20-25%(36-42克/天)。在实验2中,绵羊摄入的Na / Mg混合饲料比单独食用的盐要少得多(12.0比24.8 g /天; P <0.05),但仍比未补充绵羊的羊生长快得多(61 g /天; P <0.05)。在作物上施用补充镁会导致饲料中镁的含量显着增加,从接近动物需求的水平(0.10%DM)到远高于该水平的水平。它还改善了一系列与镁状态有关的矿物指标。增产是由于作物追肥而引起的,但与直接向绵羊饲喂镁相比,这些是短暂的,并且与放养率有强烈的相互作用。对补充或追肥的费用以及获得的额外增重的价值的估计表明,直接补充是经济的,但追肥费用将超过获得的增重的价值。



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