首页> 外文期刊>Annals of anatomy =: Anatomischer Anzeiger : official organ of the Anatomische Gesellschaft >Morphologic features of the fetal mandibular condyle: layers, canals and microvascular pattern.

Morphologic features of the fetal mandibular condyle: layers, canals and microvascular pattern.


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During organogenesis the mandibular condyle is divided by a fibrovascular septum, the persistence of which in the growing cartilage can lead to a bifid condyle. In this study we have evaluated the morphology of 3rd trimester human fetal temporomandibular (TMJ) specimens in order to determine the pattern of the vascular morphology associated with the layers and vascular canals (VCs) of the developing condyle (covering layers and condyle proper). Eleven human fetuses of 27-38cm crown-rump length were used for histological (hematoxylin-eosin, Van Gieson stain) and immunohistochemical evaluation (antibodies for bcl2 and CD34) and another two of 24 and 31cm, for TMJ microvasculature studies after black ink injections. With increasing fetal age, the intermediate loose lamina (LL) of the condylar proliferative layer evolves from a vascular-mesenchymal to a fibrillar pattern, via a transitory stage of a clear space that may be misdiagnosed as lower joint cavity (LJC). Within the condyle proper VCs may be present on its entire sagittal length, deepening variably towards the erosive zone and opened superiorly in the LL loose layer. Vessels of the evolving LL enter the condyle, directly or through the VCs; these vessels retract peripherally with increasing age and the intrinsic vessels of the condyle supplied from the erosive zone become prevalent. Vascular morphogenesis at the level of the LL seems comparable to that at the level of the LJC where characteristic glomeruli regress with increasing age. Lack of vascular regression and closure of central V-shaped defects of the condyle, as observed in 2/22 condyles, may represent a developmental substrate for condylar bifidism or a predisposing condition weakening the condyle, and making it more sensitive to trauma in childhood.
机译:在器官发生过程中,下颌con突被纤维血管间隔分隔开,其在持续生长的软骨中的持续存在可能导致双歧con。在这项研究中,我们评估了三个月中期人类胎儿颞下颌(TMJ)标本的形态,以确定与发育中的con(覆盖层和proper本身)的层和血管(VC)相关的血管形态模式。 11头冠状臀围长为27-38cm的人类胎儿被用于组织学检查(苏木精-曙红,Van Gieson染色)和免疫组化评估(bcl2和CD34抗体),另外24和31cm被用于黑色墨水注射后的TMJ微脉管系统研究。随着胎儿年龄的增加,con突增生层的中间疏松椎板(LL)从血管间质演变为纤维状模式,经过一个透明空间的过渡阶段,该阶段可能被误诊为下关节腔(LJC)。在the内,适当的VC可能存在于其整个矢状长度上,朝着侵蚀区域不断变深,并在LL疏松层中优越地开放。进化中的LL的血管直接或通过VC进入the。这些血管随着年龄的增长而向周围收缩,并且从侵蚀区域供应的con的固有血管变得普遍。 LL水平的血管形态发生似乎与LJC水平的血管形态发生相当,在LJC水平,特征性肾小球随着年龄的增长而退化。在2/22 dy突中观察到,缺乏血管消退和closure突中央V形缺损的闭合,可能代表了bi突两歧症的发展基质或削弱ening突的易感性疾病,并使它对儿童期的创伤更加敏感。



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