首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Applied Biology >Effects of potential trap crops and planting date on soil infestation withpotato cyst nematodes and root-knot nematodes

Effects of potential trap crops and planting date on soil infestation withpotato cyst nematodes and root-knot nematodes


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In 1997 and 1998 the stimulation of hatch of potato cyst nematodes (PCN) by a trap crop was studied at various times during the growing season in a container and a field experiment. Solanum nigrum '90-4750-188' was used as the trap crop in both experiments and was sown on 1 May, 16 June or 1 August in two successive years on different plots. Neither experiment revealed much seasonal variation in hatchability of PCN juveniles under a trap crop. In the container experiment, the hatch of the Globodera pallida Pa3 population was equally and strongly stimulated (89%) at all sowing dates in both years, except for the 1 August sowing in 1998 (when the hatch was 77% under extremely wet soil conditions). In the control treatment with non-hosts (flax followed by barley) the total spontaneous hatch was 50% over 2 yr. In the field experiment, the hatch of PCN, averaged over the four populations, was also equally stimulated (71%) at all sowing dates in both years. In the control treatment with non-hosts (flax barley) the total spontaneous hatch was 36% over 2 yr. Total hatch under the trap crop over 2 yr varied between the four PCN populations from 63% to 80%.
机译:在1997年和1998年,在容器和田间试验中,在生长季节的不同时间研究了诱捕作物对马铃薯囊肿线虫(PCN)孵化的刺激。两个实验中均使用黑茄(Solanum nigrum '90 -4750-188')作为诱捕作物,并于不同的地块连续两年播种于5月1日,6月16日或8月1日。两项实验均未显示诱捕作物下PCN幼虫孵化率的季节性变化很大。在容器实验中,除1998年的8月1日播种(当时在极端潮湿的土壤条件下,孵化率为77%)外,这两个年份的所有播种日均均强烈刺激了Globodera pallida Pa3种群的孵化(89%)。 )。在非宿主(亚麻,然后是大麦)的对照处理中,两年内的总自发孵化率为50%。在田间试验中,在这两个年份的所有播种日,平均分布在四个种群中的PCN的孵化率均得到了同样的刺激(71%)。在非宿主(亚麻大麦)的对照处理中,两年内的总自发孵化率为36%。四个PCN种群在两年多的时间里,陷阱作物的总孵化率从63%到80%不等。



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