首页> 外文期刊>Annalen der Physik >The maximal acceleration, extended relativistic dynamics and Doppler type shift for an accelerated source

The maximal acceleration, extended relativistic dynamics and Doppler type shift for an accelerated source


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Based on the generalized principle of relativity and the ensuing symmetry, it has been shown that if the Clock Hypothesis is not true, there is a universal maximal acceleration a_m. We present here an extension of relativistic dynamics for which all admissible solutions will have have a speed bounded by the speed of light c and the acceleration bounded by a_m. An additional Doppler type shift for an accelerated source is predicted. The formulas for such shift are the same as for the usual Doppler shift with v/c replaced by a/a_m. The W. Kündig experiment of measurement of the transverse Doppler shift in an accelerated system was also exposed to a longtitudal shift due to the acceleration. This experiment, as reanalyzed by Kholmetskii et al., shows that the Clock Hypothesis is not valid. Based on the results of this experiment, we predict that the value of the maximal acceleration a_m is of the order 10~(19)m/s~2. Moreover, our analysis provides a way to measure experimentally the maximal acceleration with existing technology. Based on the generalized principle of relativity and the ensuing symmetry, it has been shown that if the Clock Hypothesis is not true, there is a universal maximal acceleration a_m. The author presents here an extension of relativistic dynamics for which all admissible solutions will have have a speed bounded by the speed of light c and the acceleration bounded by a_m. An additional Doppler type shift for an accelerated source is predicted. The formulas for such shift are the same as for the usual Doppler shift with v/c replaced by a/a_m.
机译:基于广义相对论和随之而来的对称性,已经表明,如果时钟假说不成立,则存在一个通用的最大加速度a_m。我们在这里提出相对论动力学的扩展,对于它,所有可接受的解决方案的速度都将受光速c的限制,而加速度将受a_m的限制。可以预测到一个额外的多普勒频移,用于加速源。这种偏移的公式与通常的多普勒频移相同,v / c替换为a / a_m。在加速系统中测量横向多普勒频移的W.Kündig实验也由于加速而暴露于纵向偏移。由Kholmetskii等人重新分析的该实验表明,时钟假说是无效的。根据该实验的结果,我们预测最大加速度a_m的值约为10〜(19)m / s〜2。此外,我们的分析提供了一种使用现有技术实验测量最大加速度的方法。基于广义相对论和随之而来的对称性,已经表明,如果时钟假说不成立,则存在一个通用的最大加速度a_m。作者在这里介绍了相对论动力学的一个扩展,为此,所有可允许的解决方案的速度都将受光速c的限制,而加速度将受a_m的限制。可以预测到一个额外的多普勒频移,用于加速源。这种偏移的公式与通常的多普勒频移相同,v / c替换为a / a_m。



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