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Grass intake and grazing behaviour of dry and suckling ewes according to sward height


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Intake of grass depends both on animal status (physiological state, body reserves) and on sward characteristics. Grass availability and more especially its height has a major effect on intake (Hodgson, 1985, Proc Nutr Soc, 44, 339-346). The aim of thepresent study was to measure the interactions between ewes' status (lactating vs dry) and sward height on the intake of grass and its behavioural components. A group of 12 Limousine x Romanov 3-6 year old ewes, six of them dry and the other six sucklingtwins for 6 weeks, were strip-grazed on short (4-6 days old) leafy cocksfoot re-growths. Another similar group at the same time grazed longer (3 weeks old) and mainly leafy regrowths. The short sward was grazed from 10 down to 6 cm high measured with asward stick, and the tall one from 20-25 down to 12-15 cm. Grass intake (IG) was estimated individually by the alkanes' technique (Mayes et al, 1986, J Agric Sci, 107, 161-170).
机译:草的摄入量取决于动物的状况(生理状态,身体储备)和草皮特征。草的可利用性,尤其是草的高度对摄入量有重要影响(Hodgson,1985; Proc Nutr Soc,44,339-346)。本研究的目的是测量母羊的状态(哺乳期与干燥期)和草皮高度对草摄入量及其行为成分之间的相互作用。一组12头Limousine x Romanov 3-6岁的母羊,其中六只干,其余六只乳双胞胎持续6周,在短时(4-6天大)的多叶长尾foot上重新剥皮。另一个相似的群体同时放牧了更长的时间(3周龄),主要是绿叶再生长。短草从10下降到6厘米高(用扬起棒测量),高草从20-25下降到12-15厘米。草的摄入量(IG)是通过烷烃技术单独估算的(Mayes等人,1986,J Agric Sc​​i,107,161-170)。



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