首页> 外文期刊>Annales de Limnologie: International journal of limnology >Leptophlebiidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Gorgona Island National Natural Park (Tropical Eastern Pacific, Colombia) with the description of two new species

Leptophlebiidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Gorgona Island National Natural Park (Tropical Eastern Pacific, Colombia) with the description of two new species


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Gorgona National Natural Park comprises Gorgona and Gorgonilla Islands, located in the Colombian Pacific at 35 km from mainland. A large-scale study was conducted in Gorgona including samples from benthos and aereal nets and traps during five fieldworks. We here focus on the family Leptophlebiidae, describing two new species and giving data of four additional species. Terpides iguapoga sp. n. is described and illustrated from nymphs and adults, and can be characterized by the following characters, in the nymph: fore trochanter and femur with row of strong spine-like setae on inner margin, gills with blackish tracheae, posterolateral projections present on terga VI and VIII-IX; in the adult: upper portion of eyes orangeish white, forewing membrane hyaline tinged with yellowish around crossveins and marginal intercalary veins, genitalia with penes abruptly narrowing on distal third. Thraulodes insular sp. n. is described from nymphs and adults and diagnosed as follows, in the nymph: abdominal gills with narrow lamellae, femora with black streak near apex; in the imago: forewing costal area basal to bulla without crossveins, a spot and a band on femora, terga II-VI translucent white, terga VII-X darker, posterior margin of subgenital plate triangular, penes spines short and robust. We give new geographic records for four additional species: Farrodes caribbianus, Farrodes roundsi, Hagenulopsis esmeralda and Hagenulopsis zunigae. Ecological data and distributional maps are provided. Leptophlebiidae presents a reduced diversity in relation to mainland; in general the species recorded show a geographic relation to the Chocoan-Caribbean and Andean mayfly faunas.
机译:Gorgona国家自然公园包括Gorgona和Gorgonilla群岛,位于哥伦比亚太平洋,距大陆35公里。在戈尔戈纳进行了一项大规模研究,其中包括在五个野外工作期间从便当,航空网和诱捕器收集的样本。在这里,我们重点介绍Leptophlebiidae科,描述了两个新物种并提供了另外四个物种的数据。 Terpides iguapoga sp。 。从若虫和成虫中进行描述和说明,若虫中有以下特征:前转子和股骨内边缘有一排坚硬的脊柱状刚毛,,气管带黑色,, terga VI和VIII-IX;在成年人中:眼睛的上半部为橙白色,前膜透明膜在交叉静脉和边缘membrane静脉周围呈淡黄色,生殖器的生殖器在第三个远端突然变窄。 Thraulodes岛形sp。 。若虫和成虫对它进行了描述,并在以下若虫中进行了诊断:腹部with片有狭窄的片状,股骨在先端附近有黑色条纹;在伊马戈州:前足基部前缘,无横脉,股骨上有斑点和带状,terga II-VI半透明白色,terga VII-X较深,生殖器下板三角形的后缘,刺棘短而结实。我们为另外四个物种提供了新的地理记录:加勒比Farardes caribbianus,Farrodes roundsi,Esgenalda Hagenulopsis和zunigae Hagenulopsis。提供了生态数据和分布图。 Leptophlebiidae与大陆相比,多样性降低了。总的来说,记录的物种与巧克力-加勒比和安第斯ean类动物区系具有地理关系。



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