首页> 外文期刊>Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry >Development of a method for assessing the relative contribution of waterborne and dietary exposure to zinc bioaccumulation in Daphnia magna by using isotopically enriched tracers and ICP-MS detection

Development of a method for assessing the relative contribution of waterborne and dietary exposure to zinc bioaccumulation in Daphnia magna by using isotopically enriched tracers and ICP-MS detection


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In order to study the effect of anthropogenic substances on freshwater and marine ecosystems and to develop methods to derive water-quality criteria, ecotoxicological testing is required. While toxicity assessments are traditionally based on dissolved metal concentrations, assuming that toxicity is caused by waterborne metal only, it was recently pointed out that also the dietary exposure route should be carefully considered and interpreted in regulatory assessments of zinc. In this context, the aim of this experimental study was to develop a method which allows the uptake of waterborne and dietary zinc by Daphnia magna and the interaction between both exposure routes to be studied. Therefore, the setup of a dual isotopic tracer study was required. During several days, daphnids were exposed to Zn-67 and Zn-68 via the dietary and the waterborne routes, respectively, and after several time intervals the daphnids were sampled and subjected to isotopic analysis by means of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). In order to obtain reliable and accurate results for zinc, special care was taken to prevent contamination and to deal with the spectral interferences traditionally hindering the determination of zinc. The figures of merit of both a quadrupole-based ICP-MS instrument equipped with a dynamic reaction cell, and a sector field ICP-MS unit were studied, and it was concluded that by using a sector field mass spectrometer operated at medium mass resolution all interferences could be overcome adequately. Although the set-up of the exposure experiments seems to be rather simple at first sight, it was shown in this work that several (dynamic) variables can have an influence on the results obtained and on the subsequent data interpretation. The importance of these confounding factors was examined, and on the basis of preliminary calculations it became clear that not only the isotopic composition of the daphnids has to be studied-adequate monitoring of the isotopic composition of the dissolved phase and the algae during the exposure of the daphnids is also required to accurately discriminate between uptake from water and from food.
机译:为了研究人为物质对淡水和海洋生态系统的影响并开发得出水质标准的方法,需要进行生态毒理学测试。传统上,毒性评估是基于溶解的金属浓度进行的,但假定毒性仅由水性金属引起,最近有人指出,锌的监管评估也应仔细考虑和解释饮食中的暴露途径。在这种情况下,本实验研究的目的是开发一种方法,该方法允许大型蚤(Daphnia magna)吸收水和饮食中的锌,并研究两种暴露途径之间的相互作用。因此,需要建立双重同位素示踪剂研究。在数天内,水蚤分别通过饮食和水传播途径暴露于Zn-67和Zn-68中,并且在几个时间间隔后对水蚤进行采样并通过电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)进行同位素分析。多发性硬化症)。为了获得可靠而准确的锌结果,要特别注意防止污染并应对传统上阻碍锌测定的光谱干扰。研究了装有动态反应池的基于四极杆的ICP-MS仪器和扇形场ICP-MS单元的品质因数,得出的结论是,通过使用以中等质量分辨率运行的扇形场质谱仪,可以充分克服干扰。尽管乍看之下曝光实验的设置似乎相当简单,但这项工作表明,几个(动态)变量可能会对所获得的结果和随后的数据解释产生影响。研究了这些混杂因素的重要性,并且在初步计算的基础上,很明显不仅要研究the的同位素组成,而且还应充分监测溶解相和藻类的同位素组成。还需要水蚤来准确地区分从水和食物中摄取。



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