首页> 外文期刊>Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies >Escherichia coli, Listeria and Salmonella by single and multiple wavelength ultraviolet-light emitting diodes]]>

Escherichia coli, Listeria and Salmonella by single and multiple wavelength ultraviolet-light emitting diodes]]>


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This study compared the inactivation efficacy and performance of UV-LEDs emitting at 259, 268, 275, 289, and 370?nm against a low pressure mercury lamp at 253.7?nm for the foodborne pathogens,E.coli,ListeriaandSalmonella. Action spectra were determined for three pathogenic and three non-pathogenic strains and compared with UV absorbance of their bacterial DNA. The lethality of UV wavelengths correlated with bacterial DNA absorbance. At an equivalent UV dose (7?mJ·cm?2), UV-LEDs emitting at 259 and 268?nm achieved the highest log count reductions out of the tested wavelengths. Refrigeration (4?°C) increased irradiance of the 268?nm UV-LEDs while not affecting reduction ofListeriacompared to 25°C. Combining 259 and 289?nm UV-LED wavelengths at an equivalent UV dose had a synergistic effect on reduction ofE.coliandListeria, yielding a 1.2 and 0.6 log higher reduction, respectively, than the expected additive effect.Industrial relevanceUV-LED treatment at 259, 268, and 275?nm can either equal or, in most cases, surpass the inactivation efficacy of traditional LPM lamps at 253.7?nm. Further, the determined action spectra can be used to identify the optimum inactivation wavelength for common foodborne pathogens and hence increase processing efficiency. In some cases, inactivation efficacy can be improved by combining UV wavelengths in order to achieve a synergistic effect. The effectiveness of UV-LED treatment at refrigeration temperatures validates their use in cold environments. Overall, UV-LEDs have strong potential within the food industry due to their advantages and possibilities for incorporation into a wide variety of treatment systems.



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