首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Horticulture >Evaluation of hull-less seeded pumpkin lines for growth, yield and quality traits under subtropical conditions

Evaluation of hull-less seeded pumpkin lines for growth, yield and quality traits under subtropical conditions


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Hull-less seed is an important trait to use as snacks and oil of pumpkin seeds. The present investigation was undertaken with the objective to evaluate the advance breeding lines for growth, yield and quality traits of hull-less seeded pumpkin at PAU, Ludhiana. Experiment was conducted in the Department of Vegetable Science during 2014 and 2015 involving 25 genotypes. A wide range of genetic differences was observed for vine length (28.56 to 175.38 cm), days to 50% flowering (19.17 to 35.17) and days to harvest (58.00 to 77.00). Fruit yield ranged from 44.47 to 552.79 q/ha and seed yield from 1.84 to 8.35 q/ha. Quality traits like oil content (16.66 to 38.67%), dry matter (93.41 to 95.71%), crude fibre (2.33 to 8.00%), total ash (4.00 to 6.33%), protein (1.25 to 2.61%), total sugars (3.19 to 7.47%) and starch (1.66 to 10.90%) also showed considerable differences. Two years evaluation revealed that PWT-2, PWT-4, PWT-8, PWT-10, PWT-20, PWT-43 and PWT-44 were the promising. PWT-4 gave the highest seed yield (8.35 q/ha), oil content (38.67%), oil yield (3.44 q/ha), total sugars (5.67%) and fruit yield (291.9 q/ha). PWT-4 also gave good size of seed (9.27g/100 seeds), protein (2.27%) and starch (4.4%) contents. All these seven genotypes were significantly at par among themselves; however, PWT-4, PWT-20, PWT-10 and PWT-8 were better than check variety Lady Godiva for hull-less seed yield. Therefore, these genotypes can further be evaluated for yield, oil content and quality parameters for commercial release.



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