首页> 外文期刊>Agronomy Journal >Cover crop mixtures for the western corn belt: opportunities for increased productivity and stability.

Cover crop mixtures for the western corn belt: opportunities for increased productivity and stability.


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Achieving agronomic and environmental benefits associated with cover crops often depends on reliable establishment of a highly productive cover crop community. The objective of this study was to determine if cover crop mixtures can increase productivity and stability compared to single species cover crops, and to identify those components most active in contributing to or detracting from mixture productivity. A rainfed field experiment was conducted near Mead, NE, in 2010 and 2011. Eight individual cover crop species (in either the Brassicaceae [mustard] or Fabaceae [legume] family) and four mixtures of these species (two, four, six, and eight species combinations) were broadcast planted and incorporated in late March and sampled in late May. Shoot dry weights were recorded for sole crops and individual species within all mixtures. Sole crops in the mustard family were twice as productive (2428 kg ha -1) as sole crops in the legume family (1216 kg ha -1), averaged across 2 yr. The land equivalent ratios (LERs) for all mixtures in 2011 were >1.0, indicating mixtures were more productive than the individual components grown as sole crops. Improved performance in mixture may be related to the ecological resilience of mixed species communities in response to extreme weather events, such as hail. Partial LERs of species in the mustard family were consistently greater than those in the legume family, indicating that mustards dominated the mixtures. Results provide the basis for yield-stability rankings of spring-sown cover crop species and mixtures for the western Corn Belt.
机译:实现与遮盖作物相关的农艺和环境效益通常取决于可靠地建立一个高产的遮盖作物社区。这项研究的目的是确定与单一物种的覆盖作物相比,覆盖作物混合物是否可以提高生产率和稳定性,并确定那些对混合生产率有贡献或最有损的成分。在2010年和2011年,在北卡罗来纳州米德附近进行了一次雨养田间试验。共有八种单季覆盖作物物种(芥菜科或豆科),以及这些物种的四种混合物(两种,四种,六种和六种)。播种并在3月下旬播种了8个物种的组合,并在5月下旬进行了采样。记录所有混合物中唯一作物和单个物种的茎干重量。芥菜类的单季产量(2428千克公顷-1)是豆类家族的单季作物(1216千克公顷-1)的两倍,平均两年来。 2011年所有混合物的土地当量比(LER)均大于1.0,这表明混合物比单独种植的单个成分的生产力更高。混合性能的提高可能与混合物种群落对极端天气事件(例如冰雹)的响应的生态适应力有关。芥菜科的部分LER一直比豆科科的更大,表明芥菜占主导地位。结果为西部玉米带春季播种的覆盖作物物种和混合物的产量稳定性等级提供了依据。



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