首页> 外文期刊>Current cancer drug targets >Targeting the Immune Niche within the Bone Marrow Microenvironment: The Rise of Immunotherapy in Multiple Myeloma

Targeting the Immune Niche within the Bone Marrow Microenvironment: The Rise of Immunotherapy in Multiple Myeloma


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Background: Multiple Myeloma (MM) cells inhibit the development of an effective anti MM immune response via defects in T cell function, ineffective antigen presentation; reduced phagocytic capacity; natural killer and dendritic cell dysfunction; decreased responsiveness to IL-2 and defects in B cell immunity; upregulation of inhibitory pathways; and production of excessive pro inflammatory cytokines. Moreover, immune cells including plasmacytoid dendritic cells and macrophages trigger tumor cell proliferation, survival, and drug resistance. The usefulness of immunotherapies in MM patients has first been supported by the identification of the graft-versus-myeloma effect in the context of allogeneic bone marrow (BM) transplantation. Subsequently, the inclusion of thalidomide and its derivatives, the Immunomodulatory Drugs (IMiDs) as well as of (immuno) proteasome inhibitors into MM regimens dramatically improved MM patients outcome during the last 15 years. Despite these unprecedented therapeutic advances MM remains an incurable disease.



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