首页> 外文期刊>Chemical Processing >SPOTLIGHT REMAINS ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY Companies realize that ample opportunities for improvenents still exist

SPOTLIGHT REMAINS ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY Companies realize that ample opportunities for improvenents still exist


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CHEMICAL MAKERS are pursuing a variety of routes to improve energy efficiency,ranging from corporate programs and cooperative efforts with specific vendors to a global initiative.Many of these endeavors focus on taking greater advantage of digitalization and big data.Aitor Bru,Barcelona,Spain-based global head of digital operations,group operational excellence,for Clariant,Muttenz,Switzerland,spends his time scouring for promising digital innovations and evaluating how they might improve the company's operations and supply chains."We start from the business end.We don't want to digi-talize for the sake of it;we want to close gaps and meet a need.Energy is an important topic.Our vision is to reduce the energy intensity of our products contributing towards Clariant s greenhouse gas(GHG)emission reduction targets,"he says."For example,once digitalized,systems can provide remote access to virtually every aspect of a plant with a multitude of tools collecting,reporting and allowing management of detailed features,such as consumption,utilities,taw materials,reactor temperatures,equipment performance and quality data-all within seconds,"Bru explains.



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