首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics >Super-convergent implicit-explicit Peer methods with variable step sizes

Super-convergent implicit-explicit Peer methods with variable step sizes

机译:具有可变步长大小的超级收敛隐式 - 显式对等方法

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Dynamical systems with sub-processes evolving on many different time scales are ubiquitous in applications. Their efficient solution is greatly enhanced by automatic time step variation. This paper is concerned with the theory, construction and application of IMEX-Peer methods that are super-convergent for variable step sizes and A-stable in the implicit part. IMEX schemes combine the necessary stability of implicit and low computational costs of explicit methods to efficiently solve systems of ordinary differential equations with both stiff and non-stiff parts included in the source term. To construct super-convergent IMEX-Peer methods which keep their higher order for variable step sizes and exhibit favourable linear stability properties, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions on the nodes and coefficient matrices and apply an extrapolation approach based on already computed stage values. New super-convergent IMEX-Peer methods of order s + 1 for s = 2, 3, 4 stages are given as result of additional order conditions which maintain the super-convergence property independent of step size changes. Numerical experiments and a comparison to other super-convergent IMEX-Peer methods show the potential of the new methods when applied with local error control. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:子过程在许多不同时间尺度上演化的动力系统在应用中无处不在。它们的有效解决方案通过自动时间步长变化而大大增强。本文研究了IMEX对等方法的理论、构造和应用。IMEX对等方法在变步长下具有超收敛性,在隐式部分具有A-稳定性。IMEX格式结合了隐式方法的必要稳定性和显式方法的低计算成本,以有效地解决源项中包含刚性和非刚性部分的常微分方程组。为了构造超收敛的IMEX对等方法,使其在可变步长下保持较高的阶数,并表现出良好的线性稳定性,我们推导了节点和系数矩阵的必要和充分条件,并基于已计算的阶段值应用外推方法。由于附加阶条件保持了与步长变化无关的超收敛性,给出了s+1阶s=2、3、4阶超收敛的IMEX点方法。数值实验和与其他超收敛IMEX对等方法的比较表明,新方法在应用于局部误差控制时具有潜力。(C) 2019爱思唯尔B.V.版权所有。



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