首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of microbiology >Prevalence and diversity of waterborne Arcobacter butzleri in southwestern Alberta, Canada

Prevalence and diversity of waterborne Arcobacter butzleri in southwestern Alberta, Canada


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Arcobacter butzleri is a potential enteric pathogen to human beings, but its reservoirs and modes of transmission are largely unverified. Microbiological and molecular detection and subtyping techniques can facilitate surveillance of A. butzleri in hosts and environmental reservoirs. We isolated A. butzleri from 173 surface water samples (25.6%) and 81 treated wastewater samples (77.9%) collected in southwestern Alberta over a 1-year period. Arcobacter butzleri isolates (n = 500) were genotyped and compared to determine diversity of A. butzleri in southwestern Alberta. Culture methods affected the frequency of detection and genotype diversity of A. butzleri, and isolation comprehensiveness was different for surface waters and treated wastewaters. Detection of A. butzleri in the Oldman River Watershed corresponded with season, river flow rates, and fecal coliform densities. Arcobacter butzleri was detected most frequently in treated wastewater, in the Oldman River downstream from treated wastewater outfalls, and in tributaries near areas of intensive confined feeding operations. All sample sources possessed high genotype diversity, and A. butzleri isolates from treated wastewaters were genetically similar to isolates from the Oldman River downriver from treated wastewater outfall sites. In southwestern Alberta, municipal and agricultural activities contribute to the density and genotype diversity of A. butzleri in surface waters.
机译:butzleri Arcobacter是一种潜在的人类肠道病原体,但其宿主和传播方式大多未经证实。微生物和分子检测及分型技术有助于监测宿主和环境水库中的布茨勒氏弧菌。我们从阿尔伯塔省西南部一年内采集的173个地表水样本(25.6%)和81个处理过的废水样本(77.9%)中分离出布茨勒里氏A.菌。对butzleri Arcobacter分离株(n=500)进行基因分型并进行比较,以确定阿尔伯塔省西南部butzleri A.的多样性。培养方法影响布茨勒氏A.butzleri的检测频率和基因型多样性,地表水和处理废水的分离综合性不同。在Oldman河流域检测到布茨勒利氏A.与季节、河流流速和粪便大肠菌群密度相对应。在处理过的废水、处理过的废水排放口下游的奥尔德曼河,以及密集限制饲养作业区域附近的支流中,最常检测到布茨勒里弧菌。所有样本来源都具有较高的基因型多样性,从处理过的废水中分离出的布茨勒里A.与从处理过的废水排放点分离出的奥尔德曼河下游分离出的A.butzleri在基因上相似。在阿尔伯塔省西南部,城市和农业活动有助于地表水中布茨勒里亚种的密度和基因型多样性。



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